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At present, no, Asperger's Syndrome cannot be cured.

There is no known cure for AS as yet, but there are many behavioral techniques to improve the quality of life for people with AS.

There are many people would say that even asking if there is a cure implies that AS is even a disease, which those people claim that it is not. It is an alternate way of thinking, according to them, and perhaps does not need to be "cured." The goal of most people with AS is to learn how to interact with other people, not to change who they themselves are.


Although orthodox medicine generally maintains that Asperger's Syndrome cannot be cured; there are other professions who are trying and succeeding. I have a twelve year old son who was recently diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome by a chiropractic neurologist. This particular chiropractic neurologist is trained in Brain Based Therapy (BBT) as taught by Dr. Ted Carrick, DC. http:/wwwzperiodzcarrickinstitutezperiodzorg We had to drive over two hours to get to my son's chiropractic neurologist, but it was worth it. We has to complete a very thorough twenty page history form and his examination took two hours. Our son's pediatrician also wanted him to see a medical neurologist. The medical neurologist took a brief history, did an extremely basic examination that lasted ten minutes and then told us he disagreed with the diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome and ADD.

Fortunately, my son's pediatrician paid attention to the findings and conclusions of the chiropractic neurologist and was willing to prescribe a medication to help him as he goes through the treatment program set up by his chiropractic neurologist and his parents.

We have found the book Disconnected Kids by Dr. Robert Melillo to be a valuable resource. Dr. Mellilo is a chiropractic neurologist also and his book outlines things that parents can do to help a child who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), such as Asperger's Syndrome.

Those who approach ASD from the standpoint of BBT, work to balance the functioning of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. There are many non-invasive ways to do this. Another therapy we are using on my son is Neuro-feedback Therapy. http:/eegspectrumzperiodzcom

Interactive metronome therapy has also been found to be useful in treating ASD.

Anyone dealing with ASDs needs to be managing the patients nutrition. Generally, gluten-free and casien-free diets are beneficial.

I hope this is beneficial. Dr. Melillo reports many success stories in his book, so I would advise being optimistic and seeking out alternatives to orthodox medicine.


Asperger's is not a disease therefore does not have a cure. Asperger's just means your mind is different then NT's


I would agree that AS is not a disease, and so has no cure. I liken it somewhat to color blindness. It took me a long time to realize that the reason I saw something as green when other people saw it as blue was not because there was something wrong with my eyes. It is because my eyes happen to be different from theirs, and we perceive things differently. Neither perception is "wrong," it is just that the wavelengths of our color perceptions are not precisely the same.

Similarly, AS is a condition that causes some people to think differently from others. This does not mean there is anything inherently wrong with their minds, just that they are different. They are seen as "socially clumsy" because social expectations are different among people who do not have AS.

That having been said, there is one piece of advice I would give to a person who has AS, and I think understanding this is half the battle or more: Other peoples' thoughts may be valid, even if they disagree with what you might believe. The fact that someone disagrees with you or has a view you don't understand does not mean that one of you is right and the other wrong, regardless of what logic would seem to indicate to the contrary.

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Autism is not a disease so it cannot be cured - nor does anyone who respects Autistic people want it to be cured because the only way to cure autism would be to prevent Autistic people existing. Autism is a neurological difference, just like people are born as different races this is just part of human variation and not something to be cured - the idea of curing autism is about eugenics and is unethical. We Autistic people do not need to be cured, we're fine as we are.

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