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Blood transfusions can't cause HIV, but if a carrier of HIV would donate blood, then whoever gets that blood can catch HIV from the donated blood.

It happened a few times when HIV had just started to spread, but nowadays there are testing procedures in place to stop that from happening.

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14y ago

Yes HIV is easily transmitted through blood. And is also commonly transmitted through sharing needles, and unsafe sex.

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Yes quite a few early cases of HIV/AIDS in the 1980s were caused by a contaminated blood supply. The virus was transmitted by transfusions.

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At the present, there is no cure for HIV.

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Not possible in today's technology

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Q: Can blood transfusions cause HIV
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Why is the transmission of HIV by blood transfusions now very rare?

Because blood is screened and sterilized before transfusions.

Is it possible to switch all the blood out of someone and replace it with someones elses to get rid of aid or hiv?

No. Blood transfusions cannot remedy HIV or AIDS.

Is HIV a bloodborne pathogen?

Yes, it primarily exists in the circulatory system and destroys T-cells. This is why blood transfusions are checked for HIV/AIDS.

When is a person at risk of HIV?

* Having unprotected sex * Blood transfusions * When a baby is in mother's womb

How do blood banks handle a situation with a person that has HIV and with him giving blood?

Blood banks, and the Red Cross which collects blood for blood banks, do not accept blood from people who have HIV, and they also test the blood that they collect in case it has infections that they were not warned about. Every effort is made to keep HIV out of blood that will be used for transfusions.

Do how you get hiv?

1. Through sex2. Through needles3. Through breast milkNo; HIV is transmitted via sharing of needles, blood, breast milk, joint and spinal fluids.

When does sideroblastic anemia require transfusions?

the cause of a patient's anemia cannot be determined, blood transfusions may be necessary. Medications are prescribed to stimulate excretion or excess iron that accumulates as a result of these transfusions.

What can cause problems in a transfusion reaction?

Blood transfusions can cause different reactions that could cause a problem. The first is an immune reaction, which is an allergic reaction to a component of the blood given. The next reaction could be a non immune reaction where the body is overloaded with fluid. The last problem that could be caused is an infection such as HIV, Hepatitis B or C. Infection is very rare now that the FDA requires blood to be tested before given to the recipient.

How does HIV invade the body?

HIV is transmitted by blood, semen, or blood products. Hence, it can be sexually transmitted, it can be transmitted by the use of shared intravenous needles, it can be transmitted by contaminated blood products such as clotting agents used by hemophiliacs, or by contaminated blood transfusions used in surgery. Those are the most usual routes.

Can a man get HIV from a HIV infected woman?

HIV, which cause aids, are passed from person to person by bodily fluids. Females can get infections from both male and females, by sexual intercourse (Both vagainal and anal), oral sex, from blood infected with HIV (for example an open wound splashed with infected blood, or re-using a needle to inject drug, previously used by someone infected) or from breast milk.

When mosquito blood got into the eyes will it cause Hiv?

No it can not.

What is the most common cause of serious mortality and morbidity associated with blood transfusions?

Although transfusion errors are only a small percentage of all medical errors reported in North American hospitals, they are the most common cause of serious mortality and morbidity associated with blood transfusions