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Peroxide is given to a cat to make it vomit if it has ingested something that could be dangerous or fatal. DO NOT try to do this yourself - go to the vet. A vet will know exactly how much to safely give a cat.

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Q: Can I give a cat peroxide to make him vomit?
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Chickens cannot vomit - however, if you give a chicken too much cat food, it will make them sick.

Do cat vomit before they give birth?

sometimes, if you feed your cat before it gives birth it will most likely vomit.

Can too many bugs make a cat vomit?

Yes, a cat can vomit if it eats too many bugs. Also, certain bugs give off distinct fluids which were designed to give protection to the bug to ward off prey.

What causes an indoor cat to vomit mucous?

If it is clear foam it is due to hairballs that the cat is trying to vomit out, you will need to give the cat a laxative or lactulose to help. These products can be purchased only from the veterinarian.

Can you give a cat milk to make it vomit?

If you believe your cat has ingested something it shouldn't have or has something stuck, then it is strongly advisable to take it to the vet. It is not ideal for someone to attempt to do this themselves.

What makes cat vomit?

It depends. Some cats have food Allergies which will make them do this. Bring you cat to the vet, and they will have a look and see if there are any food allergies. If so, they will probably give you a special food to give your cat. This will prevent any food refunds. (From the inside of your cat.)

What will happen if you give hydrogen peroxide to a cat and it does not vomit?

Generally, cats are only given hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if they have eaten something poisonous. If this is the reason you gave it to your cat, you need to take your cat to a veterinarian right away. The hydrogen peroxide may have gotten the cat to vomit and therefore taken care of any immediate danger, but there could still be some poison in the cat's system, or even other damage depending on what it ate. Also, hydrogen peroxide is given to cats in very small amounts. You would need to put it in a lot of water to be safe for your pet. If you accidentally gave your cat too much, this could be just as dangerous as poison. Hydrogen peroxide is highly corrosive, and can cause damage to membranes in an animal's stomach, resulting in internal bleeding. It can also cause blistering, stomach pain, diarrhea, and further vomiting. If this is the case, your cat still needs taken to a veterinarian promptly.To summarize, if your cat is still showing symptoms of any kind after this, it needs to be taken to a veterinarian. This should be done any time a cat ingests something toxic, if that is why you gave it the hydrogen peroxide. If it is not the reason, and your cat is still showing symptoms, it is most likely caused by the hydrogen peroxide itself. Either situation is dangerous for your cat, and it needs immediate care.

What food makes cats vomit?

It depends. Some cats have food allergies which will make them do this. Bring you cat to the vet, and they will have a look and see if there are any food allergies. If so, they will probably give you a special food to give your cat. This will prevent any food refunds. (From the inside of your cat.)

What is very important to make metal resources last?

Dog feces and cat vomit.

What happens if you give a cat anaesthetic after it has eaten?

It will throw up will it is under anaesthetic and if it has eaten, it will choke on its food, but if it does not eat, there will be nothing in the vomit to choke the cat.

Do cats vomit a lot?

They don't vomit at all as long as you get them good food. Cat food with grains in it can make them sick. My cat has never vomited. They will if they have a hairball. If they do they will try and get it up but it will not work very well unless you give them grass to eat. Then they will throw it all up and then that will be over with. You can also prevent hairballs by giving your cats regular grooming.

Would a cat vomit if you give it chicken bones?

This is a very unsafe experiment to try, as chicken bones splinter into sharp shards that can injure the cat's stomach. If the cat does vomit, likely he is trying to rid himself of the splinters and may already be badly injured; take him to he vet for X-rays.