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It is Important for a child that age to have a choice in who they want to live with. They are old enogh to know what makes them happy in life and to deny that right is wrong.

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Maybe. It depends on the divorce laws and the settlement/child custody agreed to by the parents. At 13 you don’t have any rights and pretty much have to do what you are told to do.

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Q: Can a 13 year old in Georgia choose which parent they want to live with?
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In Mexico a minor can choose which parent to live with at the age of 14.

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well I think that when you turn 13 you can choose what parent you want to live with. But that's just my opinon.

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Is 14 the legal age to choose with parent they want to live with in Georgia?

In Georgia it will take the judge to decide , after hearing all three people he will decide.

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When you are 18 year old, you can choose where you want to live.

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Under UK law, a child has no legal right to choose which parent they may live with.

In Missouri can a 13 year old girl legally choose which parent to lie with?

After a child turns 11, they can choose which parent they want to live with

Can minors choose which parent they want to live withcom?

As long as you are a minor you are not allowed to decide who you will live with.

Can you be fifteen to choose whuch parent you want to live with?

No you have to be 18 but if you are lucky the court will listen to what you want.