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Legally she needs her parent's permission to live anyplace other than at home.

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Q: Can a 17 year old girl move in with an 18 year old boy in Georgia?
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Is it legal for a eighteen year old boy to be sexual with a sixteen year old girl in Georgia?

yes it is

Can a pregnant sixteen year old girl marry a nineteen year old boy in Georgia?

Not if the live in Norway.

Can a 17 year old boy and 18 year old girl get married in Georgia?

Yes if the minor have parental consent.

Can a sixteen year old girl marry a nineteen year old boy in Georgia?

Yes, if the minor has parental consent.

Can a pregnant 15 year old girl marry an 18 year old boy in the state of Georgia?

No, but the 18-year-old can be charged with statutory rape.

Can a 17 year old move in with her 22 year old boyfriend in the state of Georgia?

No, legally you cannot move out at 17. You become an adult the age of 18 in Georgia. Until that age your parents are responsible for you and where you live. And you boy friend could be in trouble as well.

What does it mean to shift a boy or a girl?

To shift a boy or a girl means to move onto another boy or girl.

Can a fourteen year old boy date a seveteen year girl in Georgia?

yes you can date her but when she turns 19 the parents and police can press charges and arrest her.

If a 17-year-old girl and 16-year-old boy runaway to Georgia and get married because the girl is pregnant and parental consent is not required can the boy's parents annul the marriage or anything?

yess and they can also charge him with statuary rape even if she consented

If a 15-year-old girl gets pregnant by a 15-year-old boy can the boy get in legal trouble in Georgia?

If he can get into trouble so can she since they are the same age. You are both guilty of statutory rape according to Georgia law. But I doubt anything will happen and that someone will report you.

Can a 17 year old girl move in with a 20 year old boy in the state of Illinois with out the parents permission?

Depends on the law state

Can a six teen year old girl move in with her eight teen year old boy friend in the state of Kentucky?

yes if she likes to.