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Yes, most, bacterial infections (unless very severe), no matter what kind, will fade because our bodies can naturally fight them. However, depending on how severe the infection is and how quickly it's spreading, you will want to get it checked out. Antibiotics speed the process and provide relief from symptoms.

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Q: Can a bacterial infection clear up on its own?
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Can bacterial Vaginosis clear up on its own?

Yes, bacterial vaginosis can clear up on its own. If you are pregnant, planning a surgery or procedure in the vagina, or are having pain or abnormal bleeding, seek treatment sooner.

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Antibiotics are used to slow or kill bacterial infections while the bodt's own defences build up.

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Other than a DNA test to confirm gender...? Soap and water should be sufficient to clear up a minor bacteria infection. If it doesn't clear up within a day or two then contact a doctor and they might prescribe an antibiotic. Yeast infections are often mistaken for Bacterial Vaginosis. Since BV is typically a condition only women suffer from, a yeast infection should be completely ruled out before assuming a man has "BV."

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The best way to treat a urinary tract infection is with oral antibiotics. Since this type of infection is bacterial it can usually be cleared up this way within days.

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no. bacterial is contagouse, and is charicterised but bright pinkness in affected area while viral is not contagious and is less serious characterised by bloodshot eyes and itchiness, there is also a version that comes from allergies, but that goes away on its own.

What can you do to stop your uterus from smelling?

If you have an odor from your vagina that that normal bathing doesn't "cure" you may have a hormone imbalance or a bacterial infection and you should be seen by a doctor. Many women find their vagina has a stronger odor in the early weeks of pregnancy, this will clear up on it's own, but mention it to your midwife or doctor. or: Your uterus is inside your body. I doubt you can stop it from smelling at all.