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Q: Can a dog have a normal delivery after a c section?
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What is cesarian delivery and normal delivery?

Not really. Normal delivery is painful, but so is a C-section after the anesthesia wears off. But it takes a very long time to heal from a C-section and you can't do normal activities for weeks.

What is c-section delivery?

A C-section is the surgical delivery of a baby (or babies) through an incision in the mother's abdomen.

Are there risk for a dog to another litter after a c section?

All surgery has risks, but in the vast majority of cases a C section dog will have a normal recovery and be able to have litters in the future with no problems.

How is short term disability due to pregnancy paid?

The standard benefit for normal delivery is six weeks for vaginal birth, and eight weeks for a c-section delivery.

What is a Caesarean section?

A Caesarian section, otherwise abbreviated as C-section, is the delivery of a baby through an incision in the womb.

What is caesarean section?

A Caesarian section, otherwise abbreviated as C-section, is the delivery of a baby through an incision in the womb.

Are you just as fertile after a c section as you would be after a vaginal delivery?

Yes you are.

Is it true that c section delivery woman are tighter then vaginal deliveries?


What is the correct code for a patient who had a previous c section then has a vaginal delivery?


What areas of the contract under the Uniform Contract Format specify schedule delivery parameters for the COR?

Section C - Description/Specifications/Statement of Work

In child delivery long should they wait before a c-section considered?

Well, doctors consider a C-section depending on the situation and on how serious they think the situation is.

What is the medical term meaning surgical incision of the vagina to facilitate delivery?

Episiotomy is surgical incision of the vagina to facilitate delivery of a baby.