

Can a female dog have more than one litter?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. Not at once, of course.

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Q: Can a female dog have more than one litter?
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How can there be different fathers in a dog litter?

When a female is in heat she will accept more than one male to breed with. If there are enough eggs, the sperm from more than one male can fertilize different eggs the female has.

Does having a litter of pups affect a dogs temperament in general?

There is a myth that having a litter of pups can calm a female dog. This isn't true, having a litter can make a female dog more protective, because she has babies to guard. Proper socialization, training and spaying will correct temperament problems.

What is a sire a male or female dog?

A sire is a male dog who is the father of a litter of puppies.

Are male dogs better behaved than female dogs?

No actually a female dog is more calm. so the female dog is better behaved than the male dog

In dogz 5 can a dog have more than one litter?

yes, up to four.

What is the record for litter of staffordshire bull terrier litters?

They shouldn't have more than 4 or 5 litters, depending on how healthy and strong the dog is, as well as at what age the dog got her first litter.

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It is inhumane to let a dog have more than two or three litters in a lifetime.

Can a dog in heat get breed by more than 1 dog?

Yes a litter can be fathered by more than 1 sire.

Can a dog become pregnant from more than one male dog?

Different pups in the same litter may be sired by different fathers.

More then one dad dog in a litter?

Yes, there can be two dads to one litter.

How many fathers can one litter of kittens have?

Cats are one of the few species capable of fertilization by multiple partners on a regular basis. Technically, each kitten in a litter can have a different father, but it is not quite that likely. However many mate with the queen while she's in heat!

How more than one puppy can be produced from one female dog?

Simply because the female produces more than one egg when she's in season.