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Of course they can, the question is will they? I think now many many do, (thank the Lord !), when I had some surgery (15 years or so ago) they did not, but everyone I know that has had this misfortune in last five years or so has had coverage. Contact the benefits coordinator, they should be able to assist you.

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Q: Can a insurance company cover re constructive surgery of the breast after a tumor removal?
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It depends on your insurance company police terms and conditions.

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There are several sites that offer insurance information for gastric bypass surgery. One is . If you are considering gastric bypass surgery, you should contact your health insurance company to find out their policies since every insurance company is different.

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Cosmetic surgery isn't covered under most medical insurance policies. Usually, in order for an insurance company to cover cosmetic surgery, it needs to be considered "medically necessary". For example, if you need reconstructive surgery, your insurance company will cover it only if it was due to an accident or certain illness (like breast cancer).

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The cost of bariatric surgery is going to depend on what type of insurance you have and what they will cover. You can call your insurance company and ask the details and see if you need a referral to a physician to have the surgery.

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Call your insurance company befor the sugery date,get confirmation # from them.

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No, HIPAA portability.

What is the minimum age one can get constructive nose surgery?

There is no minimum age to get constructive nose surgery. If it's a cosmetic procedure, you will have to be 18. If there is a medical problem, there is no age requirement.

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It depends on your insurance company and the type of company you work.

Will insurance cover a septoplasty?

You can check the details with your insurance company, but the surgery would need to be proven medically necessary. You can discuss that with your doctor.

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Many insurance companies will not cover tubal surgery unless there is a risk of fatality. To get tubes untied is usually considered an optional surgery and insurance companies might not pay for this type of surgery, but each company is different in what they cover.

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Usually your health insurance will not cover laser vision surgery. However, you should check with your insurance company, because there may be a few that do cover it.

Can you use your medical insurance to pay for surgery for a significant other who has no insurance?

Depends on the company, sex, state, etc. Call and ask them. Probably not.