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yes, if one party to an arbitration procedure is dissatisfied with the arbitrator's decision, he or she has the right to appeal it to a traditional court. However, in the US the scope of judicial review of an arbitration award is very, very limited, with the scope of judicial review far more restricted than an appellate court's review of a trial court decision.

In an appeal of an arbitration, a judge will examine the award to see if it covered matters that were beyond the issues submitted, If the arbitrator exceeded his or her conferred powers in deciding the dispute, his or her decision can be overturned by a court. A judge will also seek to ascertain if there was any fraud, corruption, bribery, conflict of interest, bias, or other misconduct in the rendering of the award.

Also an award may be set aside by a court if there is sufficient evidence of an arbitrator's bad faith or misconduct. The refusal or failure of the arbitrator to hear relevant evidence will also be grounds for the reversal of an award, although these types of arbitrator misconduct are rare.

Reference: Legal Challenges for the global manager and entrepreneur, 2008, By Frank J. Cavico and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba

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