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Yes, they can be good friends. Before I was married I often went out with male friends and we had a hoot. There was nothing sexual about it and both of us were so relaxed we had such a good time and a whole lot of laughs. Even now I have male friends and I'm married and my husband has met them, I've had them over for dinner and my husband and my friend end up talking about hockey, football and fishing and I'm second fiddle. LOL My husband also has a few female friends and they also come over for dinner and I get my revenge because they are usually more interested in talking to me than him. LOL

AnswerYes he can be attracted to a girl to hang out with to be friends without once having a sexual thought. ANSWER

If it was plotted in a Venn diagram, let sexually attracted = A and attracted = B

Make 2 assumptions:

A is not equal to B

A c B

Therefore A < B

Therefore, being attracted to a woman without being sexually attracted is

B - A, which is more than zero. therefore it is possible. Probabilities Midterm tomorrow!

AnswerI honestly think a man can just be attracted to her. If you're sexually attracted to her then you would like her for just really her body and want to have sex with her all the time. If you're just attracted to her then you really like her for just who she is and you can wait if she's uncomfortable of the thought of having sex.


AnswerNothing offensive. but the woman has a jaded view of men's sexuality. AnswerYes you can be attracted to her without being sexually attracted, just because you are sexually attracted doesn't mean you are shallow, and just want her for her body. men have a very strong sexual urge that is different from women. men are sexually attracted to most girls but wont go out with most of them. AnswerIf you are in a relationship with someone I should hope that you are emotionally attracted to them, and sexually, otherwise you will not have a good relationship. also the main part should be emotional, not sexual but you need both. AnswerOf course it is possible for one human being to be attracted to another. It is quite healthy, whether that attraction is mutual or it isn't. non-sexual attraction is something I personally experience quite a lot with both males and females (I'm male) and I've accepted this as my intuition telling me that I would form good friendships with those people.

My advice is, soak up as many positive feelings and influences as you can. we are social creatures, and are supposed to be deeply attracted to one another. non-sexual attraction is an innocent, beautiful quality to cultivate.

AnswerI have the same problem that I love a girl but in several ways. I mean that if some happens with her I will help her not because of my sexual feelings and because I want to make sex with her and yes man can be attracted. Answeryes, sometimes the boy loves the girl personality more than he like the way she looks. Answer:I don't like the way that a lot of people are putting this. Most are answering it like you can only be attracted sexually or platonically. And that sexual attraction is this evil thing that kills true relationships. What a bunch of Plato's you are! Sexual attraction AND emotional attraction are incredibly important in all romantic relationships.
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Q: Can a man be attracted to a woman but not be sexually attracted to her?
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Yes, of course, Attraction denotes liking something. You can be socially attracted, and so on. You could aspire to her this could also mean you are attracted to her.

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