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Q: Can a minor enter a nightclub with a parent in Oklahoma?
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Can a minor be in a nightclub with a parent?

That is going to depend on the laws in the location of the nightclub. In many places it is allowed if the parent is with them. There are some that do not allow minors regardless of who they are with.

What is tacit emancipation?

capacity given to a minor to enter into contract without parent

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in Oklahoma?

No, Any one found giving a minor a tattoo can and will be fined $5,000. Oklahoma's neighboring state, Arkansas, on the other hand allows minors to get a tattoo with parental consent.

Is there any kind of loans for minors?

In the U.S. no minor can enter into any legal contract with their parent or legal guardian.

Can an adult other than the minor's parent take the minor shooting with the minor's parent's gun?

Yes, if they ALSO have the PERMISSION of the parent.

Can a pregnant 15-year-old in Oklahoma be married with or without parental consent?

No, the minor must have the consent of the parent(s) and permission of the court. If both male and female are minor's then the parent(s) or legal guardian of both must be present in court at the time of the petition hearing for the marriage license.

Can minors own a car?

The general rule...In general, a minor cannot enter into a contract. They are also not allowed to own property. The parents of the minor will technically own the property. If a parent will agree to Co-Signer the auto loan, then the minor can buy the car. However, the parent who co-signed the car will be the legal owner.

Can one parent kick a minor out if the other one says no?

Neither parent can kick a minor out of the house. As a parent both are responsible for the minor child until they reach 18.

Is it illegal to send a statement to a minor?

A minor child can not enter into a contractual agreement of any kind and is not responsible for debt. A minor child under the age of 15 must have a bank statement or any other statement sent in care of the parent.

Can a minor enter a tobacconist with a parent or adult like if my dad were to take me to get cigars but he bought them i just came with him to pick them out?

Nope. THAT sir is called a fellony.

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