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In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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Q: Can a mother refuse to allow a father to give up paternal rights?
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Who has the paternal rights to a baby if the mother had an extramarital affair in Florida?

The father if he is not also guilty of adultry

Can a father of an unborn child out of wedlock stop the mother of the child from moving out of the country before giving birth?

No the father has no paternal rights until the baby is born.

Can the mother of a 17-year-old move her from the mother's home to an out of state residence without informing the minor's father?

Only if the biological father of the 17-year-old has had his paternal rights terminated either voluntarily or by order of the court.

How does a father give up his paternal rights in Pennsylvania?

see links below

Can the son's paternal grandparents take him from his mother?

Need more info in order to to answer. Taken by who? For what reason? Where is the father in all this? In what part, if any, do the PATERNAL grandparents enter into this? In most states, grandparent's rights are based through the parent's rights. If a parent's rights are terminated, then the grandparent's rights are also lost. Sad, but true.

Can a mother refuse child support in Texas as a way to deny paternal rights such as visitation holiday's etc?

No. Child support, visitation, custody etc are all separate issues. The court will see to what is best for the child and one parent can not deny the parental rights of the other.

What will happen if the mother doesn't want the father to have paternal rights?

In the UK, if you are married when your children are born, you both automatically have parental rights. If you are not married, then you have to apply for parental responsibility rights, if the mother does not want to share that with you. This can be done by court order. After 2003, if not married but father is written on the birth certificate, that is enough to have parental responsibility and all that that entails. Not sure how it is for you guys in the USA!

How would a father give up his paternal rights to the mother?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can the Court order no paternal father rights?

A court can terminate parental rights but that would not necessarily terminate the parents responsibility to support the child.

Can a father who signed over custody but not paternal rights get his child back?

Some times but it all depends on the situation

Can you adopt a child when the paternal father has partial custody?

Both biological parents have to sign their rights away or there will be no adoption.

How do you adopt your wifes child if the biological father is not a us citizen?

The biological father have to give up his parental rights or this will not be possible. If he is an illegal immigrant he can still have paternal rights in the US. Once his rights are terminated you can apply for adoption.