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You will need his and the courts permission to take the child away if there is a court order for visitation or custody. The court order has to be followed.

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Q: Can a mother take her children out of California to live in Oregon without the fathers consent?
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Can a mother sign over children without the fathers consent?

With court approval

Can you take your children to Australia without fathers consent?

If there are court orders regarding visitation and child support and custody, you will need his and the courts consent. The court orders have to be followed.See related question link.

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No. Only in Utah is his consent not needed, just a notification.

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Can your ex take your children abroad without your consent?

Consent... and it depends on who has legal custody.

Can a parent move their children within California without the other parent's consent?

This is determined exclussively by your custody order. Read your paperwork, or contact the court of jurisdiction.

In New york can you move out at 16 without fathers consent?

NO not at all, fathers consent should be put through, your father needs to know and has to, in less your father is not responsible and abuses you but you must know the person that tempts you to move in.

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If mother left her husband no action has been taken for divorce is it legal for mother to take children out of state for vacation without fathers consent?

custody should be with both parents so there should be no problem

Is it illegal for a mother and her child to live in a different city then the father?

If there is a custody agreement in place through the courts, the mother cannot take the child out of state without the fathers consent. If there is no agreement in place, the mother does not have to have the fathers consent.