

Can a narcisstic mother love her child's father?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Can a narcisstic mother love her child's father?
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How do you make sure my children do not turn out like their narcisstic father?

Pay them attention and love them as much as you can...more if you were raised in a dysfunctional environment. And keep their father as far away as possible - I think that is what does even more damage than a distant mother, the abusive narcissistic parent is the one that forces them to retreat to a fantasy world where they are safe and omnipotent.

What is a narcisstic?

narcissist person is a our self-love. he/she always show our personality,our beauty.

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Hank Harrison is the father of Courtney Michelle Love. Her mother is Linda Carroll.

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Hank Harrison is the father of Courtney Michelle Love. Her mother is Linda Carroll.

Is correct to say My mother and father love.?


Does mother love a daughter more than a father?

Who cares as long as they love you.

What is the full form of family?

It's Father And Mother I Love You

What is the state of the relationship between Paul's mother and father?

Paul's mother's love had "turned to dust."

How do we strengthen the love of our father and mother?

Buy some sex toys!

Whom do you love more father or mother and why?

According to Sigmund Freud, a famous psychotherapist, boys typically love their mother (and secretly hate their father) and girls typically love their father (and secretly hate their mother) While Freud is criticized in his methods and conclusions, perhaps most boys do at least prefer their mothers, and most girls prefer their fathers.

What is the difference between Oedipus complex from Electra Complex?

The Electra complex is where a female loves her father and hates her mother because she believes that she has been castrated. This is called penis envy. She then realises that her mother is in the same position and relates to her. The Oedipus project is in males instead of females and they love the father instead of the mother instead of the father. They fear that their father will find out that they love their mother and cut off their penis. The boy then finds out that this wouldn't happen and relate to his father instead of his mother.