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It sounds like you own three condominium units and three parking spaces, each of which is listed on the title of the condominium to which it is attached (by space number, usually).

You can present your proposed alteration of parking space assignments to the board and ask the board for its guidance in the matter.

Your governing documents may restrict this practice, may allow this practice, or may not address this practice.

The board's responsibility is to preserve the value of the real estate belonging to the association. If removing a parking space from its attachment to a condominium unit devalues the unit, the board may not allow you to disconnect it from its parking space. Although the unit is individually owned, without a parking space, the value of the unit may be reduced, thus lowering the overall market base for units in the building.

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Q: Can a person who owns three condos that have parking spaces assigned by the declaration sell one and in the title state that it only has one parking space and thereby maintain control of the other?
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You can find the answer you want in your governing documents.Read all documents that cover parking, including your CC&Rs, your By-laws, any Parking Resolutions and board meeting minutes that cover the subject.Usually, owners are assigned parking spots and the spots are attached to the unit, as part of the limited common elements assigned to that unit.If an owner owns more cars that parking slots, where the owner parks the extra cars is subject to board guidance.Usually, visitor parking spots are reserved for visitors.

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You need to review the Master Deed and Declaration of Trust for the condominium, or any other set of governing documents.Parking spaces and the use thereof should be addressed in those documents. You should also review your deed. If your unit was conveyed with a parking space then it can't be taken away. In many cases, however, the condominium reserves the right to assign parking spaces and does not convey their exclusive use in the unit deeds.There are numerous schemes that are used for condominium parking rights and reviewing them all would not be helpful in answering your question. The only ways to find the answer to your particular situation is to review your own condominium documents. If you don't understand the provisions and still have questions as to your parking rights you should consult with the attorney who represented you at your closing.In other situations, however, an assigned parking space is considered part of your unit's ownership assets and title to it transfers together with title to the unit.In still other situations, an assigned parking space can be sold, rented, bartered or otherwise traded within the parking garage with other owners.

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Whose fault is it when you were driven into the back of when reversing?

Fault will be assigned by the police and/or court to all involved parties. The percentages assigned depend on the existing rules of the road: Yield to the vehicle on the right; maintain full view of path of travel (like backup camera); use of horn in a blind spot; safe speed within the parking lot; lights on after dusk or during inclement weather; etc. Contact an experienced accident attorney to insure your rights are protected.

What is the army regulation about assigned parking?

The short version is, there IS NO Army Reg that explicitly lays out parking, such as authorized reserved spaces, etc. AR 190-5 briefly covers parking as part of MP Traffic Control. HOWEVER, every post has it's own version of 190-5 (such as Ft. Hood Reg 190-5, etc.), that lays out the post policies for parking, and most of those DO authorize certain reserved parking spots, such as for general officers, etc, which are enforceable (MPs will ticket / tow you). Having said that, the Americans With Disabilities Act DOES authorize handicapped parking, with certain established guidelines, and as this is Federal law, DoD and the Army also enforce this. Hope this helps, Angry MAJ, Ft. Huachuca

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To control speed in parking lots and other populated driving places.

What is required when parking a vehicle beside any vehicle A maintain safe distance between B stay inside any marked parking lines C when exiting your vehicle avoid touching the other vehicle?

Both A & B