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Q: Can a personal garnishment be placed against a corporation?
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For that to happen, the lienholder would have to take you to court for the balance of the lien, and a garnishment would have to be placed against you by a judge.

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What is a levy?

A levy in financial terms, is one way in which a writ of judgment can be enforced to collect a debt. Sometimes wage garnishment is referred to as a "levy against earnings". More often a levy is placed against bank accounts.

Can child support garnish a corporation?

Yes, a garnishment for child support can be placed on anyone. If you receive a check from your corporation as an employee, your state can garnish it.

What is a judgment?

It is a court order against the debtor to pay the creditor what is due. The judgment can be satisfied in several ways, wage garnishment is the usual one. Levy against bank accounts. Liens against property. The liquidation of non-exempt assets. And sometimes (rarely a homestead) the forced sale of property on which a lien has been placed.

Can inherited personal real estate have liens placed on it for past due medical and student loan bills?

In short, yes. If the real estate is in your name, it can have a lien placed against it for debts you have incurred.

Can personal property be levied when a judgment is placed against you for credit card deliquency?

Answer: If your credit card company obtains a judgment against you they may take any property of value that they can find.

Can a credit card company put a lien against you?

A lien cannot be placed against an individual in reality. However, a judgment creditor such as a credit card company can place a lien against real property owned by a judgment debtor. The judgment creditor can take other steps as well to collect the debt, an example would be income garnishment.

What is the maximum percentage allowed for wage garnishment in Mississippi?

The first thirty days of paid salary after the garnishment order has been placed in effect are exempt from execution. After the thirty days expires all other wages can be garnished at the maximum of 25%. Child support is not considered garnishment under Mississippi law. If a child support withholding is in effect the amount will be deducted before the garnishment action, and will not reduce the percentage of wage garnishment ordered by the court.

Can a lien be placed against personal property of executor of an estate if they didnt pay you your inheritance?

A lien can normally only be placed with a court order. The beneficiary can certainly take them to court. And if they win, then they can place a lien.

Can a lien be placed against your wages?

Yes. A garnishment is a court order to an employer to withhold all or part of an employee's wages and to send the money to the court or to the person who won a lawsuit against the employee. That's usually the first thing the creditor does after obtaining a judgment against you.