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The usual procedure is for the state to collect unemployment or payroll taxes from employers in order to pay benefits for claimants. As each state has its own methods, it is possible that under certain circumstances the employer might be billed. It depends on the state laws in these cases.

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Q: Can a state bill the employer for unemployment claims?
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Will you get full unemployment benefits if your employer closes business?

No you cannot. Just because its tht the law bill of rights.

Who pays unemployment taxes?

In Texas, Your employer ultimately pays 100% of any unemployment benefits you receive. The state issues your check from its account. So in that sense it appears that the state pays you the benefit check. But then they bill the employer for the amount of those disbursements. So in actuality, the employer is still paying it. In fact, Unemployment Commission employees here will not even call it "Unemployment Insurance" because it is in effect not insurance in the way it is handled here. They use the term "Unemployment Compensation" instead, or at least when talking to the employer. <><> The employer pays into a state fund (SUI) and a federal fund (FUTA). Below is a link explaining how it works in Arizona. It generally works the same way in other states.

Do employers have to offer unemployment insurance?

It depends on laws in your state,some states Like Massichusets require employers to pay unemployment insurance for one or more full time employees.and in some states employers only have to have unemployment insurance if they have over a certain number of full time employees..

Can you collect unemployment and post 911 GI bill in New York?

It varies state by state but in most states you can collect both.

Do you have to claim GI bill money while drawing unemployment?

Most states require that you report all income, though like Social Security, GI Bill income would probably be exempt. To be on the safe side, you should make the state aware that you get it and let them determine if it is reportable. The GI Bill is nontaxable income and if you're smart, you'll "NOT" report it to your unemployment office. Not reporting your GI Bill to unemployment does not brake any laws. How ever, when it comes to the subject of attending school while on unemployment, every state differs.

Does the state of Illinois allow veterans to collect unemployment while using the GI Bill?

Yes, since the G.I. Bill is considered education benefits and does not count towards income.

How much does unemployment pay in New York?

Unemployment benefits extended in the 2009 economic stimulus planPreviously, unemployed workers were eligible for 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. As as result of this bill, unemployment benefits was extended by 20 weeks regardless of which state they live in. In some higher-unemployment states such as California, there will be another 13 weeks of unemployment benefits available as well.Total weeks of unemployment available:Low-unemployment state - eligible for 46 weeks of benefits.High-unemployment state - eligible for 59 weeks of benefits.Increased unemployment benefits by $25 per week.Although it varies from from state to state, the average unemployment benefit payout will be increased by $25 to about $325 per week. Your claim lasts for one year, but the full amount is 26 times the weekly benefit amount, currently at $405 max.

Can you use gi bill and collect unemployment compensation at the same time?

You'd have to ask the unemployment office if becoming a student effects your eligibility for unemployment. Getting unemployment benefits does not disqualify you from collecting "GI Bill" or any other financial aid benefits.

Is there unemployment benefits even though you have exhausted all benefits?

If you live in a state with higher unemployment rates than the norm, there are extensions to the unemployment benefits one normally gets, and on the same basis. Otherwise, check with your state's Human Resources equivalent for things like Medicaid (for health), food stamps, etc. within each state, workers comp (if you were injured on the job), training (under some approved programs), etc. There was also the Stimulus Bill, and job extension bill signed into law 11/6/09.

Can your ex employer bill me for medical insurance that wasn't deducted from my paycheck while employed by them?

Yes. When you receive a bill from your employer that would mean that they can bill you for the medical insurance while you were employed by them.

Are there any other updates regarding the emergency unemployment extension bill?

How long can you receive employment benefits?

The President signed into law today (12/19/10) a bill extending unemployment benefits for a total of 99 weeks (including the state's 26 week portion) for those states whose entitled worker's claims had run out. This is not to go for more than 99 weeks, but allows those to get what was already agreed to.