

Can a try block have more than one catch block?

Updated: 6/21/2021
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11y ago

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It can have as many as you want. It allows you to catch very specific exceptions.


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Having more than one catch statement is a bad idea. A better approach is to analyze the error and go from their. Here is an example.



Catch ex As Exception

If ex.Message.Tostring="C:\TEST.txt Is An Invalid File Location" Then

'Do what you want to do.

End If

End Try

That is the best way just keep adding ElseIf statements to cover all exceptions that you want to find.

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Genaerally every try block maintain the one finally block or atleast one catch block or both. It mean try { try{ try{ } or } or } finally { catch(....) { catch(...){ } } } catch(.....) { : } finally{ : } Hear whenever we declar the try block without catch or finally bocks it show the compile time error like ' try without catch or finally' and also it is not possible to declare the any statements in between the try ,catch and finally blocks. ex: try{ } System.out.println("statement"); finally { } The above example show the compile time error 'try without catch or finally'. " Hear the finally block must be execute after excuting the try or catch block. Hence the finally block is used to release the resources like closing the streams and closing the jdbc connections." Hence in exception handling we use one finally block for one try block to release the resources.

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