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It depends on the turtle.

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Q: What colour is the turtles ears?
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Does sea turtles have ears?

Yes, all reptiles have ears. Turtle ears are on the side of their head near the eyes.

What colour are sea turtles?


What are examples of inherited?

eye colour, skin colour, lobe or lobeless ears and hair colour.

What are examples of variations?

eye colour, skin colour, lobe or lobeless ears and hair colour.

Do snapping turtles have ears?

have internal ear structure, sense vibrations

How does the sea turtle's nose work?

Sea turtles do not have a very good sense of smell. Their eyes and ears mostly do all the work. Sea turtles have 3 ears though, 2 regular ears like you and I, but have 1 ear on their nose. A sea turtles eyes are open when they are a little hatchling, but cant see straight for a few hours.

What colour is the snapper turtles shell?

Usually a brownish-green.

Can turtles see in color because their ears are red?

Yes turtles can see in color which comes in handy for their survival. Red ear turtles have a heightened vision and can see color in and above water.

How long do floating turtles live for?

6hundred thousand million billion trillion ears

What colour patches are found around a panda's ears?

brown color

Do you have to get your birth stone colour the first time you get your ears pierced?

no you do not you can get what ever you want

What colors are turttles?

The colour of turtles usually range from dark green , yellow , black , brown.