

Can a vegitarian eat gummy bears or animal crackers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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It depends on how much of a naturalist the vegitarian is. If they are seriously induced in their beliefs, then no... the violent nature of an animal being in the name of the food would make it very unvegetarianistic. That, or the deep thought that would go into answering this question would end up killing whoever thought about it to hard. Actually the gummy bears and/or animal crackers must be made of a combination of fruits and vegetables or else the person will explode. ---------------------- They could eat animal crackers, so long as the chocolate on them did not contain WHEY. Gummy bears no, as they contain Gelatin.

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15y ago

A definite answer to this question is impossible to give, for it relies on how vegitarianistic the vegitarian is, and how firm of believer he/ she is. If they are lienient, then the food is permitted, but if they are a true believer, the animals name in the product would make that act unvegitarian like.

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