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Q: Can a woman feel a bulge in upper and lower parts of stomach due to pregnancy early in the first weeks?
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What is first pregnancy?

a mothers first child from her stomach

You have butterflies in your stomach but its too early to test for pregnancy?

You may well be pregnant. There are many symptoms of early pregnancy - tiredness, nausea, mood swings etc and yes having butterflies in your stomach can be a symptom of pregnancy - it was my first symptom. It would not be movement of the baby at all as you cannot feel movement until you are about 16-20 weeks on average, although this differs from woman to woman. Hopefully a pregnancy test will confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

Could hardness and slight soreness in the stomach be a sign of pregnancy?

No this is not a sign of pregnancy. Typically the first sign of pregnancy will be a missed period.

Can you have a miscarriage if you have pains in your stomach in your first month of pregnancy?

Pain that is heavy cramping and accompanied by bloody discharge or bleeding like having a period could indicate a miscarriage. It is difficult to tell that early in a pregnancy unless you have a doctor's exam.

How soon could you notice abdominal changes in early pregnancy and what would you notice?

Pregnancy releases a hormone that softens your muscles for child birth the first sign you going to notice is a soft flabby stomach, or you'll look bloated.

If your skinny is it normal to show a stomach when you are two and half months pregnant?

It is normal to show a little bump that early. I was already leaving my pants unbuttoned when I was at that stage with my first pregnancy

Are there any symptoms of pregnancy in the first week?

No it is far to early to say anything about pregnancy in the first week.

Does home pregnancy test work in the early second trimester?

Yes. Home pregnancy tests actually give accurate results in the first trimester, some as early as the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Can pregnancy test pick up pregnancy at the first week?

No,it too early to tell

Does the stomach hurt during first couple weeks pregnancy?

It depends on the pain you are experiencing. Period like cramps are very common during early pregnancy, however if the pain is severe then I would advise that you seek medical advice. Hope this helps.

How soon will your stomach get bigger during pregnancy?

Yur "baby belly" will not appear until the first few weeks of pregnancy.(:

When you are pregnant when do your stomach get hard?

Hello, During your first pregnancy your pregnancy will take longer to become more noticeable. If this is not your first pregnancy and is your second, third, etc then you will usually show earlier. The stomach usually becomes hard around the fourth month or later, into your pregnancy. Once again, it depends whether this is your first or later pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies usually show earlier. Also, if you are overweight or have extra fat on your stomach, this may result in your tummy not feeling hard until you are further along into your pregnancy.