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Yes, almost anyone can be insured on any vehicle, for a price.

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Q: Can an 18 year or older driver be covered on a full covered automobile insurance?
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How much is car insurance for a teen driver in Illinois?

More than likely you are going to pay more than you wish as it appears you cannot be put onto your parent's insurance policy. Additionally, it appears your car is an older model, in need of repair. This, too, can elevate your cost for insurance. Check around to different insurance agents and get quotes. If all else fails, you can contact The Illinois Automobile Insurance Plan.

Your 18 year old daughter wants to get her driver's license but doesn't have a car How much will your car insurance go up if you add her to your insurance or does she need to be added to be covered?

this will depend on how long you yourself have been driving and what type of car you have. i am sure you yourself needs to have a clean licence and have had a licence for three years before you can legally take a learner driver out in the car. i myself am a learner driver and my partner didnt pay any extra on his insurance to get myself added but i am a lot older than your daughter, you can always check for free on the car insurance web sites.

Should you cancel a disability insurance policy if you take early retirement?

If you can afford to keep disability insurance, I would. As we get older, our bodies become fragile, and you want to be fully covered just in case.

Do they sell car insurance for student drivers?

As a young driver you will generally be required to pay higher car insurance premiums than older and more experienced drivers however this does not means its impossible to find affordable car insurance coverage from car insurance companies.

Insure Your Young Drivers in Detroit?

Many variables factor into the cost of automobile insurance, but one of the variables that quickly drives up the price of car insurance premiums is a driver's age. Young drivers in Detroit who are under the age of 25 face the highest car insurance premiums because of their age and lack of experience. However, there are several ways to reduce the cost of automobile insurance for young drivers. Follow these tips to insure your young drivers in Detroit for the best possible rates.Coverage and DeductiblesThe quickest and easiest way to reduce car insurance premiums when insuring a young driver is to set the deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverage to $1,000 or more. Raising the deductibles will lower the premiums. Another fast way to reduce the cost of insuring a young adult is to completely drop the collision and comprehensive coverage if the young driver is driving an older model vehicle. However, young drivers should never cut liability coverage.Safe CarOne important variable that car insurance companies use to determine a young driver's premiums is the safety of the car. A car that has safety features like air bags reduces the cost of car insurance and reduce's the insurance company's costs for injuries.Good Student DiscountMost automobile insurance companies offer discounts to young drivers who attend high school or college full time. Students who earn grade point averages of 3.0 or better can earn discounts of up to about 10 percent off of their car insurance premiums.Multi-Policy DiscountsMany car insurance companies offer discounts when a household uses one company for all of their insurance needs. By lumping together car insurance policies and even home insurance, renter's insurance and health insurance policies, drivers can save a lot on their insurance premiums.Safe Driving CourseYoung drivers should ask about discounts that may be offered for safe driving programs. Automobile insurance companies may offer discounts to young drivers in Detroit who attend defensive driving courses, watch instructional DVDs, read driver safety books or who take special safe driving tests.

With joint policy is husband penalized on car insurance if wife has accident?

yes, they are held responsible. if you have two cars, put safer driver on more expensive veh as primary, and make unlucky driver primary on older car.

Should I purchase pet health insurance for my 12 year old Chihuahua?

Health insurance for older pets is generally very expensive, especially if they have prior health conditions. Pet health insurance may still be worth it for you. But if you do decide to get it make sure you thoroughly check what is covered. Sometimes few things are covered and those have a high deductible, making it more money for you to give care to your pet with the insurance than without it.

If you have fully comp insurance can someone else drive the car with your permission?

In most cases they can drive your vehicle but most insurance companies have restrictions on the age of the driver, usually 25 or older. It is best to check with your insurance company before letting someone else drive your vehicle.

Who must accompany a driver age 16 possessing a temporary permit?

A Licensed driver, 21 years of age or older. If the permitted driver is 18 years of age or older, the accompanied driver must be 18.

What Determines a Car Insurance Rate?

Car insurance is required for anyone with a driver’s license wishing to operate a motor vehicle in the United States and most westernized countries. When car insurance rate is determined, there are several factors companies will take into consideration include driving record, credit history and length of uninterrupted time covered by auto insurance.Driving Record and Car Insurance RateWhen applying for car insurance, rate will be dependent upon previous driving record. This includes length of time the driver has been licensed to operate a vehicle, age when license was issued and violations – both moving and accident. Operators with longer good driving histories tend to earn a lower car insurance rate. Older drivers also typically qualify for lower prices. If a driver has a history of moving violations or accidents, car insurance rate can be significantly higher and driver’s can be placed in the high risk category.Credit History and Car Insurance RateRecently, insurance companies have started using credit scores to weed through car insurance applications. Applicants with higher credit scores tend to be more apt to pay bills on time and have a better control on finances which could equate to more control on the road. Bad credit scores may raise car insurance rate amounts or disqualify a driver from coverage.Length of Time Covered by Uninterrupted Auto InsuranceIf a driver has kept continuous auto insurance without any lapses in coverage, the car insurance rate will most likely reflect this as a lower rate. Lapses in auto insurance coverage could mean the driver chose to operate a motor vehicle without coverage which is against the law. Insurance companies have access to all previous insurance policies approved for a given driver’s license or applicant and thus lying on the car insurance application could lead to higher rates or refusal for coverage.Lowering a High Car Insurance RateIf drivers wish to lower a car insurance rate, they will need to work on the problem that caused the higher rate in the first place. If the rate is higher due to credit problems, fixing those problems and raising credit score could impact car insurance rate. If violations or accidents are the reason, over time these will disappear from driver records and no longer be an issue when a car insurance rate is figured.

In TEXAS can an uninsured licensed driver drive another's insured vehicle without penalty?

It depends on the insurance company. Some insurance companies will cover the vehicle when it is loaned to someone else. Many have restrictions that they will only cover someone of a certain age or older.

What is the fine for not wearing a seatbelt in North Carolina?

From 'Buckle Up NC' web page, as of August 2011:Fines are: Drivers and Front Seat Occupants Ages 16 and Older= Penalty of $25, $75 Court Costs, No driver license or insurance points are assessed.Rear Seat Occupants Ages 16 and Older= Penalty of $10, No court costs, No driver license or insurance points are assessed.See Buckle Up NC web site for additional details.