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Yes, they fight over territory would be one example.

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Q: Can animals bully each other
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Why do rhinoceroses fight other rhinoceroses?

Rhinos, like other animals (including some humans), will fight each other to prove they are dominant in other words, who is the biggest bully on the block.

Do students tend to still bully each other because of school uniforms?

No. Wearing uniforms has nothing to do with a bully. A bully is a person wants to have power and they pick on those who are weaker.

Do people bully each other?

Yes, there are people who bully each other. Not everyone bullies, but there are many. Some know exactly what they are doing while others are unaware that their actions upon other people is perceived as bullying.

How would animals that don't usually come near each other react?

Animals that normally don't come near each other will be weary of each other. These animals could choose not to interact for example.

What cause of bully?

The people that bully are normally bullied at home or they have had something bad happen to them. I have been bullied once and i worked it out, but they told me that their parents were hitting each other, so the bully decided to do that.also it might be that they have had a bad expierience in the past.

How are plans and animals related to each other?

To animals and plants

What is the cooperation between animals?

There are some animals which depend on each other to live. Like....ants. They provide shelter for themselves and each other.

Why do you think animals aggressive towards each other?

Why animals are aggressive towards each other is usually for dominance and like that is their territory not your territory.

What animals mimic each other?

Many types of animals mimic each other in order to gain an advantage. Squid are one of these animals that perform mimicry.

What do animals do to get along?

they hump each other

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Can three hermit crabs be in the same tank together?

i wouldn't because they can bully each other but you can try to put them together