

Can babies survive if it is born at eighteen weeks?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No its unlikely.

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Q: Can babies survive if it is born at eighteen weeks?
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Is it a way to save a baby born at eighteen weeks to survive?

At this time a baby born at 18 weeks is still to premature to survive.

Can a baby survive if it is born at 31 weeks?

21 weeks is at the very lowest limit of survival, only one or two babies in the world have lived Each additional day adds to the baby's chances. Babies born under 28 weeks and living also have a very high chance of ongoing medical problems and disability.

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Most babies born before 24 weeks of gestation do not survive. However, this article is about a baby born after only 21 weeks (153 days) who did survive:

Can a baby survive at 27 wks?

Babies have been born this premature, and although it's dangerous for them, many do live (although they almost always need at least 3-to-5 months in a special in-hospital unit before they are allowed to come home). For some reason girl babies have a much higher chance of surviving than boy babies.

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Baby hares are typically born in the months between February and October. If the babies survive, they are weaned after only three weeks. They go on to reproduce themselves after about a year.

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Nowadays, yes.

Can babies start teething at 6 weeks old?

Yes. Some babies are even born with teeth.

What is the growing life cycle of hare?

Baby hares are typically born in the months between February and October. If the babies survive, they are weaned after only three weeks. They go on to reproduce themselves after about a year.

How many babies born before 28 weeks need surfactant treatment?

Over half the babies born before 28 weeks gestation need this treatment, while about one-third born between 32 and 36 weeks need supplemental surfactant.

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Like any other mammal. The babies are born live, then after four weeks they leave their mother.

How many months are you pregnant for?

Usually 9 months although babies will definitely survive if they're born at 8 months, and often even when more premature than that. The approximate time is 38 weeks after conception.

Can a baby born 20wks survive?

I think the youngest ever born was around 24 weeks