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no stop trying to coerce children like Micheal Jackson did.

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Q: Can children give consent
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Can Teachers give parental consent?

No. A parent can give parental consent. A teacher can give teacher consent.

Is sex harmful to children if done in a lovingly consensual easily way?

Legally they have to be age of consent to be able to give consent and that is the law to protect children. At age of consent they are older and in puberty and it is not harmful but younger it is harmful and not consensual. Small and younger children does not always understand and is curious but that is when adults are responsible and say no to protect them.

Do a judge have to give consent to a parent before can consent to a marriage?

If the minor is 16 and up the parent can consent but in some states it is allowed below 16 but then you also need the courts consent and they rarely give it. It's hard to find really good reasons why children below 16 should marry and get emancipated.

Is sex harmful to children if done in a easily lovingly consensual way and not in a violent way?

Legally they have to be age of consent to be able to give consent and that is the law to protect children. At age of consent they are older and in puberty and it is not harmful but younger it is harmful and not consensual. Small and younger children does not always understand and is curious but that is when adults are responsible and say no to protect them.

How is written consent given for children or incapacitated patients?

Patients.mentally impaired,heavily sedated, or critically ill are not considered legally able to give consent. In this situation,the next of kin.may act as a surrogate and sign the consent form. Children under age 18 must have a parent or guardian sign

Can my parent give consent if I am a minor who cannot give consent?

There are some very specific things---in some states--where parental consent is not needed. In most situations, though, a parent is required to give consent when a minor legally cannot give his / her own consent.

What should do if the person does not give consent?

consent on what subject

What is meant by consent?

Consent means to agree or give permission.

How old do you have to be in Mississippi to get married without parent consent if you have children?

If you are not yet of the age of consent but have children, the man who gave you these children committed a felony in doing so. 16 is the age of consent in Mississippi. Y-THINK-Y

What does it mean to give consent?

To give permission

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what was the historical background of the Florida consent decree and give examples

What is consent?

what was the historical background of the Florida consent decree and give examples