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Before that happens, the State child welfare agency would work with the parent to make sure she's able to pay her bills.

It could be used as a factor, but don't count on it. I wish it was so in my daughter's case so that her ex can get custody. see link

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Q: Can custodial parent lose custody if they don't pay their bills?
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Can the custodial parent move out of state to Colorado?

Absolutely. Just notify the courts of the address change if you have a court order for sole custody and there is no visitation order for the non-custodial parent. I dont know about joint custody.

Can non- custodial parent take child with permission and where to bring child back what happens if they dont bring child back?

That is dependent on the custody orders.

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It depends upon the custodial order. A minor cannot legally leave the residence of the primary custodial parent unless the other parent shares equal joint physical custody. Even so, the move generally must be an equitable agreement. A parent giving permission for a minor to leave the custodial residence must also inform the non custodial parent of the move to allow said parent to voice an objection and/or file a formal petition of opposition in the appropriate court.

Can the non custodial parent object to the child's religious upbringing?

well, if you dont have custody, i'd say no. If the child has a god-father or god-mother, it is THEIR duty to ensure that the child is raised in the religeon that they were in. And odds are, if the non-custodial parent is raising the kid, the kid has already been traumatized by not being with their real parents, if they knew them or not. Its best to leave things as it is, but it all depends on the religeon, of course.

If I have my child as much or more than my ex should I have to pay child support?

If your ex is the custodial parent then you are required to pay child support however if you have joint custody the order could change drastically. If you have your child as much as your ex and you dont have joint custody appointed by the court then you should file for it to reduce your payments.

Can ward of the state child go after a parent for support if they dont have custody?

Only the state can.

Does a teenager have a say in a non custodial parent wanting visitation and the teenager says they dont want to see the non custodial parent?

They have an opinion, which could be a sign of parental alienation, or just being a teenager not wanting to be told what to do. see link

Can a parent sign for your driving permit if they dont have custody?

Not unless they have been appointed by the court as your legal guardians.

Does the non custodial still have to pay in the summer if the child is with him for four weeks?

I am a non custodial parent and I am trying to get my kids for the summer as it states on my divorce papers. My lawyer just told me yes you do have to pay but your payment will be cut like an half cause the custodial parent still has bills to pay reguardless if child is there or not. There is some paper work you have to fill out and send into child support. I dont know what the form is call child support ofc and ask them. My lawyer is sending mine. Good luck It depends on the language of the court order.

In Georgia where can your 16-year-old daughter and her 20-year-old military fiance get married with parental consent?

Check with two places. Your county court house and his military branch. I dont know if they can marry just yet because she is a minor, as far as the military is concerned. * Any place within the state as long as both parents consent to the marriage. If one parent holds sole legal custody then the consent of the non custodial parent is not required. The parent giving consent must present proof of sole custody at the time of the license application.

What are the responsibilities of the non-custodial parent?

The child has a right to see the parent if she wishes. The wishes of the child should be of paramount importance. Unless there are certain court orders in place (restraining order, protection from abuse order, divorce decree or Parental Rights and Responsibilities) or if the noncustodial parent has a criminal record for a sexual offense, the noncustodial parent does have rights. However the things they do should be with consideration for the child and custodial parent in mind.AnswerUnless they have been determined to be unfit the non-custodial parent has the right to request a visitation order from the court with jurisdiction over the case. Once the visitation order has been established the non-custodial parent has the right to enforce that visitation order, exactly as stated in the order, unless it is modified by the court. The non-custodial parent has the right to be informed about important aspects of the child's life such as medical conditions and treatments, school attendance and school functions, sports programs, etc.

Ok your 14 years old and your parents share custody its week to week you dont want to live with your dad anymore. you have told him and he tells you it will never happen. can he stop you from moving?

Yes, the parent who has custodial rights can forbid you from moving in with the other parent. (Same if the custodial parent is the mother.) Typically, custody only goes to the father if there are problems with the mother taking care of the child. So the Court may be reluctant to change custody, since the Court would have access to facts that you might not know. Try to talk to both your parents so you might better understand their decisions.