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Only if the cat eats the feces of the dog with tapeworms or eat the fleas.

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yes, the parasite can be spread by flea bites

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Q: Can dogs get tape worm from an infected cat?
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Can cat tape worm medication make people sick or kill them?

Although I do not know if cat tape worm medication can kill you, it is very likely to make you sick. The common rule is this: don't take medication that is prescribed for someone else. So don't take any medicine that is meant for your cat!

How long does it take for a cat to pass a tape worm after taking the medication?

I believe once the tapeworm dies, it will dissolve in the intestines.

Are cat tape worms contagious?

They can be.Related Information:If your cat has had the tape worm for a long time, it can latch onto your cats small intestine and eat all of the nutrients out of the food without your cat getting it. But if you treat your cat early then you can easily get rid of it. It is kind of hard to get rid of a tape worm that has already latched on to your cat. Surgery might be necessary, which of course, is dangerous also. Bottom line: early detection and intervention is important.

Giving a cat tape worm medicine?

When a cat has tape worms you will probably have to give them pills. The best way to administer pills to a cat is to put the pill as far back in their mouth as possible and then hold their mouth closed and rub their throat. Rubbing their throat makes them swallow. My male cats took it better then my females. Tape Worm Symptoms Rice sized white things in cats litter box or fave spot. There usually isn't a change in eating habits.

A worm was on your cats hind leg It is about 1inch long and dark brown It looks like it may have been something he picked up from outside But just to be sure does anyone know what kind of worm it coul?

It's probably a Tape worm. Tape worm segmnts filled with eggs are passed out of the host body with wastes,e.g. your cat's rectum, where they release their eggs. Medications such as "Nemex" can be administered only from a veternatian, worming medicine sold in stores will not kill tapeworms.

How do house cats get worms?

Worm eggs can be deposited on grass by any of a number of insects or by other cats, and can be carried from one location to another either on flies feet or inside insects. Most likely, if your cat is an outdoor cat, she is eating grass and bugs which harbor worm eggs. Cats and dogs can also get worms from tropical fish if they drink the water from a fish tank or pond.

Can you get rinworm from cat poop?

Yes. If the cat's feces are infected with ringworm and it is ingested, then the person who ingests it will be infected by the ringworm.

Can a cat give humans tapeworms?

not unless the human is infected the same way as the cat, by consuming an infected flea. otherwise, no they cannot

There are 2 dogs and one cat the dogs ate the cat How many dogs are there?


How do you shave a cat?

Duck tape

Are tapeworms contagious to other cats?

Cats or dogs or any other mammals cannot pass on the tapeworms directly to the other cat, dog, etc. It has to be passed on by a Flea. The flea is called the intermediate host. The eggs are passed out in the stool of an infected animal in little segments that look like grains of rice. If the animal ate that directly, he would still not become infected. The eggs have to be ingested by the flea who then passes it on when he lands on a dog or cat and bites them. Then the cat or dog can become infected from the flea. So that is one reason for flea protection. Use Frontline monthly or some other product that does the same thing on your cat or dog.

Does cat naturally have rabies or does it come from another source?

No, a cat does not "naturally" have rabies; it is a disease that is transmitted from other infected animals, almost always through a bite. However, being bitten by a rabid animal does not necessarily mean that the bitten animal will become infected. Humans, cats, and dogs are only mildly susceptible to the disease.