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There has long been a story in circulation that if you eat lots of food containing growth hormones (most versions of the story say chicken) there is a good chance that you will exerience breast development as a result, even if you are male. This story has a basis in fact, as hormones in food have indeed been linked by scientists to the odd phenomenon of males developing breasts. However, giving chickens or other animals hormones to boost their growth is now banned in many countries and is a thing of the past. Today chickens can be given antibiotics if they are unwell, but they cannot be given hormones and therefore the idea of eating chicken to promote breast growth is no longer valid.

no,it cant,sorry,although it can make you fat if you eat alot then the fat makes your breasts bigger .....but I don't think that's good.....sorry

''of course not. U have to go for surgery or breasts enlargement program.''

the person who said that ^ isn't completely accurate u can eat non organic chicken and there is a chance you will get bigger sense where the chickens were raised they got fed growth hormones so they could produce eggs and test have been done and they say that it does because the growth hormones will make you grow. but i am not sure that is true

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In a way, because eating lots of it will make you fat, and fat girls have bigger boobs. Be happy with the shape you are!

I am sorry but i would have to say no. i am almost 20 years old and my boobs are hugs and i dont really eat spaggetti.Yes, it can. Person ^^^^ just probably has a gene which makes her breasts larger than most. Carbohydrates will make your breasts bigger, and everything else. Don't eat to much, but to a limit.
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