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I just used some baking soda that is 4 years expired. Did the water test (tsp of soda - add a little water - see if it fizzes) to make sure it was potent. Then went on to use it.

I had NO problems baking biscuits with it. Turned out great.

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13y ago
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8y ago

Baking powder is mixture of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) and a weak acid salt. When used in recipe the moisture causes the carbon dioxide to be liberated from the carbonate compounds and act as a chemical leavening agent (it makes the bread rise). When expired the humidity in the air has acted on the acid salt and caused the carbonate to be exhausted. As a result the powder will not cause the dough to rise.There is no health problem with using the expired powder, just a failure of the powder to do its job, There is some potential that the expired power may still be potent enough to make the cooking rise, but there is potential for off/bad/flat tastes due to other chemical reactions.

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6y ago

No, expired baking powder should not be used for baking.

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3y ago

Well........ its not recommended.

but if its just a day or two... go for it.

not over a month though.

comment down below if you have ever eaten something expired!!!

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Yes. Natrium is the Latin word for sodium; it is still used in some parts of Europe.Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda.

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baking soda actually raises pH so do not use. check pH level and get that straight first.

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Yes, super washing soda is the same as baking soda, or baking soda powder. This is also called baking soda ash by some people. It can be used to clean or do laundry.

How do tell baking soda and baking powder apart?

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate used in leavening foods that have acid in them. Baking powder contains baking soda plus an acid, and is used in leavening acid-free or low-acid foods.

Is baking soda poisonous?

not entirely baking soda is used for many cleaning or itching relief uses.

What is use of baking soda?

baking soda is generally used in cakes recipes to make them fluffier and softer .

What happen if too little baking soda is used in a recipe?

If too little baking soda is used, the product will not rise properly.

Can you use cornflower as a substitute for baking soda?

No. Corn starch is usually used as a thickener (for gravies, soups, puddings, etc)., whereas baking soda is used as a puffer-upper for biscuits, cookies and unleavened breads and so on. Use flour as a substitute for corn starch, and baking powder as a substitute for baking soda.

What are the ingredients with baking soda?

baking soda doesn't really have any ingrdients since it is used as an ingredient in cooking