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reading your question precisely, if you sneeze, Ican keep my eyes open no problem. My friend told me if you sneeze with your eyes open they pop out

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Yes it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

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Q: Can you die from sneezing with your eyes open?
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When sneezing your eyes are closed true or false?

True, if you attempted to open your eyes while sneezing your eyes would pop out. True, u can;t really sneeze with your eyes open

Sneeze with eyes open?

Never EVER try sneezing with eyes open,Why???Because ur eyes will fly out!sounds funny but u=its true they really do!I have tried to keep my eyes open while sneezing; my vision is still good, and my eyes suffered no ill effects at all. However, I did not succeed in sneezing with open eyes. I am obstinate, and determined to prove that it could be done. Well, it can't.

Can you sneeze with eyes open?

Sneezing is a reflex. A reflex is where your body does something automatically and is something that you have no control over. Some people can sneeze with their eyes open, and some people can not.

Is it impossible to keep your eyes open while sneezing?

yes No it is not impossible and if you have Mardi Feldman type eyes there is a real danger of popping them if you do

Why do some people die with open eyes and some with closed eyes?

I think when you die with open eyes you have been instantly killed. But if you were killed slowly, you would die with your eyes closed.

Do you die with your eyes open or closed?

You can die with your eyes either open or closed. For many people, especially the sick and the elderly, it is not uncommon to die in their sleep, in which case their eyes will be closed. However, some do die with their eyes open, in which case it is considered respectful to close that person's eyes.

Would your eyes pop out of your head if you stand on your head?

noooo!!! well when you sneeze and you dont close your eyes ... then your eyes..WILL POP OUT! so dont NEVER do that!! your eyes are made to stay is on your head. almost nothing short of gouging them out will get them out. not even sneezing with your eyes open ( I've done that). if you don't believe me about the sneezing thing, check out the mythbusters trying it. i don't know where to get the video.

Can sneezing break your neck?

some people die from sneezing

Sleep with eyes open?

soem can but it will hurt for some one or some people's eyes will be open when people die

What are symptoms of Chlamydia in cats?

Runny eyes and sneezing.

Why it is so difficult to open eyes while sneezing?

Your body instinctively closes your eyes to prevent you from dislodging your eyeballs from they're sockets. The sudden and abrupt change in the pressure in your sinus' can actually cause this to happen.

Why do your eyes close when you sneeze?

This question is stinkier than cottage cheese, but I'll answer it. It's because sneezing without closing your eyes is impossible because if you don't close your eyes when you sneeze, the tears keeping your eyes wet may fall out, your eyes may be dry, and something drastic will happen to your vision, FYI, for your information, yeah, I said all that.