

Best Answer

Yes it can, but only slight brown spotting.

everyone's different mine was pink blood but some people think every one Implantation blood has to be the same as there's which annoys me from the person at the top. Implantation bleeding can last few days I did some research it said 1-3 days but maybe 4 for you ok Hope I help by the way everyone's Implantation bleeding is different some are brown/pink/red or thick/stringy even some can be spotting or blood in discharge so just ignore those people who say what there's look like every women is different ok

Pink Princess

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Q: Can implantation bleeding from pregnancy last four days?
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What does four fifths palpable mean in pregnancy?

It represents how much your babys head is engaged in the pelvis. Four fifths palpable equals one fifth engaged.

Are you supposed to bleed from the snake eyes piercing?

I got mine a week ago and it didnt bleed the first three days... After it started bleeding randomly like i would be talking and all of a sudden my mouth would taste like blood and when i checked i was bleeding... It happend to be like four times already but just rinse your mout wit mouth wash or salt water and it will stop the bleeding.... It shouldnt hurts much after a week but its supposed to stop hurting after about two weeks and be completely healed after 6 but don't get scared if you bleed it just means you hurt it eating or just talking.... Good luck :)

What micro organisms exist in bean water after soaking four days?

Bacteria is one.

Can you take a pregnancy test during implantation?

Hi, I've done a lot of research within the time span of five months. I've of course read about WHEN to take a pregnancy test. You COULD take a pregnancy test, but unless it's a week after your missed period, it could give a false negative, and it probably will. Even on the day of a missed period, ( there is a statistic of this, so if you do not understand or agree with anything I'm saying, then feel free to look it up ) only one out of four pregnant women will get a positive result, no matter what the test. There's really no way of telling for sure until you've missed your period, and even so, there's not too many symptoms you have before your missed period. If your trying to conceive, then you probably would like to calculate your periods and OVULATION date. I wouldn't recommend on using these online calculators that much for that, but if you are trying to become pregnant, then you should have sex on all days that are of ovulation period, which is a small window. Pregnancy symptoms usually will not occur until two and a half to three weeks. If they do, it is best to wait until you miss a period before you go and waste your money on a pregnancy test. If you don't know how to calculate ovulation, you can always use a Basal Body Thermometer to find out. You will usually have a rise in temperature of .2 to .4 degrees. Also, I thought you should know that even if your on a period, a pregnancy test ( that is not taken too early ) will still detect the HCG ( the pregnancy hormone in your urine ) It detects that hormone, and that only. Nothing else will affect it. Good luck.

What are the three symptoms of infection?

Either it becomes swollen, or bruised with internal bleeding.

Related questions

Is it implantation bleeding if you have been spotting light pink for four days and this morning it was light brown and light pink but your period is not due for five days?

Not necessarily no but implantation bleeding can appear as the bleeding you've described. Implantation bleeding will occur 6-12 days after intercourse. If you suspect pregnancy, see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.

What are symptoms of conception?

Bleeding isn't but spotting. If it is heavy, it is unlikely that it is the sign of implantation.

Can you get implantation bleeding four days after sex also when i wipe after peeing i get this burning feeling is that anything to do with implantation bleeding i was five days late am i still late or?

No this is too early for implantation bleeding. It sounds like you have a urinary tract infection. This will cause vaginal bleeding in severe cases. Please see your doctor.

Is spotting of light pink blood for four days beginning 10 days after your period more likely to be implantation bleeding or caused by fribroids in your uterus?

The bleeding may be caused by either of the things you mentioned. Implantation bleeding usually occurs 6-12 days after you last had unprotected sex.

If your period is four days early and ends in three days is that implantation bleeding?

This could definetly be implantation bleeding if unprotected sex has taking place 10 -14 days before. Implantation bleeding should be much different to a period its alot lighter and only lasts a few hours. If its just like a normal period clotty and dark red then its likely to be an early period expecially if your periods are irregular, if your still in doubt do a home pregnancy test two days after your period would have been due you shoud get an accurate result.

Is it normal to have implantation bleeding with a few pregnancy symptoms and then no symptoms at all but your period is 4 days late?

Hello. Because the bleeding was light there is a small chance you may be pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test.

Am a week late have heavy chest and painful lower backache feeling sick and had a small amount of brown bleeding for four days thought this was implantation bleeding had two negative tests?

Please see a doctor.

Are you pregnant if your period was late for four days?

No - if you menstruated then you cannot be pregnant. Women can however experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, if really concerned take a pregnancy test.

What is implantation and can you have it four days after ovulating?

Implantation occurs when the fertilized embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Prior to this it was fertilized in one of your fallopian tubes. Implantation occurs 4-8 days after ovulation.

Can you get the bleeding in very early stage of pregnancy?

yes, it could be implantation bleeding. Plus many women have their "periods" all through the pregnancy. To begin with, it is said that roughly 30% of knowingly pregnant women experience some kind of bleeding during early pregnancy.There are many reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy, but having a 'period' isn't one of them. It is impossible to have an actual period during pregnancy due to the absence of a menstrual cycle. I realize that the above person used the word 'period' in quotes, but they are still mistaken in stating that many women bleed all throughout their pregnancy. Bleeding all throughout pregnancy--and particularly later on--would certainly be a cause for concern. But at any rate, here are some reasons for bleeding in early pregnancy (and by 'early' I mean the entire first trimester):It is said that something known as 'implantation bleeding' can occur sometime around the third or fourth week of pregnancy, at around the same time your period would normally have occurred. For this reason, some women may mistake implantation bleeding for a period and may not realize they are pregnant. Having said this, however, if you are spotting at 6, 7, 8... or 11 weeks, it cannot be implantation bleeding. (I am actually tired of people all over the place saying "it's probably implantation bleeding" since 'early pregnancy' is not limited to the first four weeks and thus this can be a misleading answer for someone bleeding around Week 7.)Bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage. They say that approximately 50% of women who bleed during the first trimester go on to miscarry. (Of course that means that the other approximate 50% do not.) Many times (but not always) bleeding during miscarriage is accompanied by cramps, often severe.There can be other causes as well--decidual bleeding, cervical erosion, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, subcorionic hematoma... Some of these causes are more serious than others, and I suggest that if you are concerned you do some further research to learn more about each cause.If the bleeding is heavy, accompanied by pain, or lasts more than 3 days, call your provider.

How can you differentiate between ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding?

Yes. This happened to me. I thought I was having a lighter, longer period which lasted a whole week. I didn't find out until my period was due the following month that I was pregnant. I thought I was four weeks pregnant. Several weeks later during an ultrasound I was informed that I was four weeks further along than I had thought. I had mistaken the implantation bleeding for my period! No where in any of my research did I see anything about implantation bleeding lasting that long. Most of the information I found said it lasts hours or possibly a day and only 1/4 of women experience implantation bleeding.

Can you have your period 4 days after conception?

Ovulation generally occurs 14 days before your period is due so no, you should not be menstruating that close to possibly conceiving. There is also no way to know if you conceived four days after sex, a pregnancy does not begin until implantation about 10 days after ovulation.