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I suppose it is possible for implantation to occur at any time after sex if you were ovulating at the right time. You wouldn't necessarily feel it or feel any differently. I didn't know I was pregnant until I saw the 2 blue lines on the stick!

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Q: Can implantation occur 4 days after sex n what does it feel like?
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What is an implantation bleed like and when does it occur?


What does embryo implantation feel like?

Embryo implantation can sometimes feel like very mild period pain approx 7-10 days post ovulation it can be associated with some spotting. My son implanted 6 days past conception and I felt him implanting(cute). It is usually not felt though and it can occur at night when you're sleeping, remember though only 1 in 4 embryos will survive all this process so that's miracle of it all!

What does implantation feeling like?

Embryo implantation can sometimes feel like very mild period pain approx 7-10 days post ovulation it can be associated with some spotting. My son implanted 6 days past conception and I felt him implanting(cute). It is usually not felt though and it can occur at night when you're sleeping, remember though only 1 in 4 embryos will survive all this process so that's miracle of it all!

Will implantation cramping make you feel like an oncomming period?


Can you be pregnant if you have had flu like symptoms and are experiencing spotting ten days before your period is due?

It is very possible. The spotting could be a result of implantation bleeding which can occur as soon as 7 days after conception. Good luck!

Can you have physical symptoms when implantation occurs?

Some people have reported a sharp pain in their side around the time of implantation. Others who chart their cycles have noticed that cervical fluid is more frequent, they get a pain in their ovaries (like ovulation pain) and period pains can occur just a few days after implantation too. Some women feel bloated and have tender breasts from the very beginning. There may be an aversion to some smells or tastes and some people get a metallic taste in their mouths.

Implantation lasting 5 days?

Typically implantation bleeding is an exception....meaning it isn't all too common. You should not have implantation bleeding for 5 days and if it is implantation bleeding it is very light and brown in color...more like spotting. If you are pregnant and bleeding or have unexplained bleeding you should see a doctor.

Period was 6 days late and then bled a little bit for a few days but then it went away not even 3 days later it was lighter than usual was it my period or implantation bleeding?

it sounds like implantation bleeding

How does it feel do have implantation bleeding?

I Felt as if my stomach was stretching. It is like a menstrual cramp but mine started about 5 days before it normally would start. Mine are not as painful either more uncomfortable with stretching.

Could you have implantation bleeding 4 days after intercourse and what does it look like?

Usually implantation bleeding will occur 8-10 days after intercourse. What it will look like is a small smear of blood on the toilet paper, maybe even a splotch on your undies. Anything that is heavy enough to require a pantiliner or pad is not implantation bleeding.Answer Hi every women's different it can be red/pink/brown/stringy/thick/blood in discharge/ spotting. it can last from 1-3 days not every women gets it only 1 in 3 women do. Its just a bit of blood which is nothing really.Pink Princess

Can you get implantation bleeding four days after sex also when i wipe after peeing i get this burning feeling is that anything to do with implantation bleeding i was five days late am i still late or?

No this is too early for implantation bleeding. It sounds like you have a urinary tract infection. This will cause vaginal bleeding in severe cases. Please see your doctor.

Can implantation cramps occur for three days and then stop you had cramps on your left side and lower back from 5 dpo to 7 dpo Now at 8 dpo and you still have slight cramping but no where near before?

Implantation pain usually starts 5 to 7 days past ovulation until your expected period. The bleeding, if you have any due to implantation, will usually appear in the same week your period is due. Implantation pain can take place in the back, uterus/cervix area and areas around it. This pain should be uncomfortable, which makes it noticeable, but should not cause you to pass out or keel over due to pain. It will feel like pulling, stretching and resemble your menstruation cramps. Although most women still experience pulling and stretching pain throughout their entire pregnancy, implantation pain is recorded to be off and on throughout your first two weeks of pregnancy. Just like each pregnancy, each female is different.