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Yes it can. Vertigo management - general measures[It is assumed that the reader has been seen and evaluated by a physician. Advice in this article in no way replaces the need for such an evaluation.] Many patients who suffer from recurrent episodes of vertigo where no specific remedies are available, or have been only partially effective, (and who have been fully evaluated) may benefit from considering general "lifestyle" measures that may help to alleviate the frequency or severity of these episodes. Most of these are common sense. The inner ear is an incredibly delicate, complex and sensitive mechanism consisting of a system of fluid-filled canals and sacs, whose chemical composition, pressure and flow are carefully controlled. Many factors can upset this delicate balance. Inflammation from any cause, re-activation of latent viral disorders, allergic responses, blood glucose changes, auto-immune response, hormonal changes, stress and fatigue, blood pressure changes, trauma, migraines, sleep apnea and other metabolic disorders are amongst the situations that may trigger vertigo in susceptible individuals.

Rest and sleep:

Fatigue, lack of sleep and stress are known to precipitate vertigo in those prone to these symptoms. Adequate rest and sleep are critically important. Diet:

Eat a healthy diet and maintain correct body weight. The diet should consist of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (especially highly colored items), white meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. Avoid too many simple carbohydrates and avoid fried foods, junk food, canned and salty foods. Avoid a big meal in the evening. For some, just eating smaller portions and avoiding seconds is a good way to start a program. Salt (sodium chloride) restriction:

Sodium levels in our circulation dictate how much fluid we retain in our bodies. High salt intake may therefore retain more fluid and this may precipitate symptoms. Salt restriction may therefore be helpful and we frequently (but not always, see below) advise this. Apart from no added salt, avoid such things as pretzels, potato chips, salted nuts, canned foods, prepared foods and sauces, all of which may contain salt as a preservative. Salt substitutes may be used. However individuals who are underweight, have low blood pressure, are prone to fainting spells or who are outdoors a lot in hot or humid weather might wish to get advice before restricting salt and, occasionally, may benefit from added salt. Water intake:

Drink lots of water, six to eight extra glasses a day. It is important for the body tissues to be well hydrated. Extra water will not be retained. It is the sodium levels (see above) that will determine how much water is retained. Exercise:

General exercise on a regular basis is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy. Walking (or jogging), cycling (stationary?), aerobics, yoga, pilates, tai-chi and swimming are some of the common choices. Frequency of exercise is more important than how much you do each time. A little a lot is a good motto. Start gently. If you are uncertain about your health status, check with your physician first.

Neck exercises and neck massage can be helpful. Be wary of neck manipulation however. Over enthusiastic neck manipulation can damage the arteries in the back of the neck with occasional tragic results. Specific exercises for vertigo may be provided on an individual basis. Vitamins:

Some will say that if you eat a healthy diet you do not need supplements. Nevertheless we do suggest supplements, in particular Vitamin C (1000mg daily) and B complex daily. You may wish to add Vitamin E, but not more, on average, than 200 units a day. Other anti-oxidants may be helpful such as CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid. These are all available in many stores along with dosage guidance. Minerals (without iron - unless specifically needed) and calcium are also worth consideration. Lipoflavanoids have had some popularity in the treatment of vertigo and tinnitus and may possibly be helpful. Avoid:

Tobacco is, of course, a huge no-no. Alcohol is absorbed into the inner ear fluids. and significant intake may cause vertigo. It is probably better to avoid alcohol until you have been free of vertigo for some time, and then consume in only very limited quantity. Herbal supplements:

We are not aware of any convincing evidence to show that such supplements help vertigo. Gingko baloba has been proposed but may have side effects. The same applies to acupuncture, although psychological benefits cannot be dismissed.

© Alasdair G. Gilchrist, M.D., P.A., June 2006.

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Q: Can lack of sleep cause vertigo?
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