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Maggots are larval flies and feed on necrotic tissue -- ie, dead tissue. This is why you don't hear of maggot infections in live humans; larval flies do not feed on living tissue. Generally, the only time that maggots will be found on living things is when said host has some sort of serious injury or wound that is festering or gangrenous. But, even in these cases, it is the festering necrotic tissue that is being eaten, and not the living tissue. In fact, it is precisely this ability to eat rotting tissue, while preserving living cells that makes the maggot useful for medical purposes. In areas of the world that are technologically impoverished, larval flies may be deliberately applied to wounds to clean them; this poses no danger.

So, any fear of being eaten alive by maggots is unfounded and unjustified. If they are ingested, one's body would digest them as any other foodstuff. It would be unlikely that they could enter the human body in any other way.

There are, however, numerous parasitic worms that could inhabit a human host; the most obvious (and easily detectable) would probably be the common pin worm, which looks nearly identical to a maggot; Pin worms are an intestinal parasite, and can readily be observed when they are secreted in the stool of an infected person. This seems the most likely reason for the posting of this question. These are not larval flies (insects), but rather actual worms, and similarly pose no serious risk to the host; they are most common in elementary school children, who are in close contact with each other without handwashing, etc. Usually, the only symptom for young children is restless sleep, as the worms are nocturnal and more active at night, causing annoying rectal itching. Older children or adults will likely notice the tiny worms in their stool eventually, and make inquiries. They are extremely common in the third world, though frequently appear in the U.S. and other developed areas. One's physician can treat them with a single dose of any number of wormicides.

In any case, don't panic... although upsetting and revolting in the extreme (to our Western sensibilities), it's really not a very big deal. Call your doctor.

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Q: Can maggots get in your body alive and if so what do you do?
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Are you born with maggots in your body?

We are born with parasites, not maggots.

Where maggots found?

Maggots are found on any decomposing body. They are found about everywhere.

Can you be alive with maggots living inside you?

Yes. Maggots tend to eat only dead tissue. If you think you're infested, get to a doctor.

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How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

What are leeches and maggots and where do they live?

Leeches are blood sucking parasites, they are normally found in body's of fresh water. Maggots are fly larvae they can be found in rotting food or carcases ( like a dead body, maggots can be found where flys have laid eggs), an example is maggots can found in cans of raw mushrooms.

Will bacteria decompose a body?

Yes, but so do many other things like fly larvae called maggots.

What is so special about the conditions in your body?

so you can stay alive

Where can i buy maggots in RuneScape?

You can't but maggots are really......FISHING BAIT! So, if you need maggots buy fishing bait at local fishing shops.

What are maggots and how it gets on dead human body in case of murder or so what is its size and how much time it takes to grow?

Flies lay their eggs on rotting flesh. The eggs hatch into small maggots. The maggots feed on the 'bad' flesh, and eventually hatch into flies (completing the life cycle). Because of the way maggots concentrate on rotten flesh, they are sometimes used to clear out infections. In fact there is at least one hospital supplying special flies & maggots that are clinically sterile, so they can be used to treat wounds

Does pork and coke really make worms and maggots?

You really don't need the cola for the maggots to grow on pork meat. You can go to the extreme to see the magotts when the swine is still alive. No. Maggots are the larval forms of flies. If you leave pork or any other meat out where flies can land on it, and leave it there long enough, you will get maggots.

Can maggots climb?

Maggots can climb in search of a new source of food. They are only capable of travelling short distances due to their body design.