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Q: Can noncustodial parent force child to fly alone to another state for visitation?
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In Oklahoma if a 16 year old child is left home alone for 5 days can the noncustodial parent take child away?

There would have to be more to it then just leaving them along. If they attended school and didn't throw any parties, there shouldn't be a problem with it.

Can custodial parent refuse to talk to non custodials wife?

The biological parents should attempt to work together amicably for the best of their children. When the non-custodial parent has visitation time, and they are re-married, chances are that the children may be spending time alone with the step-parent and it can be in the child's best interest for there to be open dialogue.

Would it be ok if a ten year old moved out?

Not to live alone. But, to live with another parent, yes.

How do you handle difficult parent?

leave them alone.

What is Stand alone results and consolidated results?

standalone results = results of the parent company alone & consolidated results = results of the parent company + its subsidiaries

How can you legally get a parent to leave you alone?

By crying as loud as you can?

Do a child have to visit a parent if they do not know him?

If there is a court order for visitation, yes. You have to start somewhere. The parents should cooperate to help the child get comfortable with the visitations. The parent who has been absent from the child's life should take some time to allow the child to get to know them. They should try to schedule some alone time with the child and not introduce other family members or partners at first.

Does a father HAVE to have visitation with his child?

The law does not require a father to be involved with his child. On the other hand, a father who wants visitation will almost certainly get it, altho it can be supervised or otherwise restricted if evidence suggests that the father should not be alone with the child.

How old to stay home alone after school?

There is actually no minimum legal age limit in the UK to leave a child alone if the parent deems the child to be safe. However, if another person questions the safety of the child, it can be seen as negligent behaviour.

If you have sole custody does your ex or his family need your permission to take your child out of state?

They can for a vacation. They cannot move permanently without authority from the court. The other parent still has parental rights and visitation rights. The court has jurisdiction. The custodial parent needs the non-custodial's parent's consent to move the child out of state as well as a court approval through a modification of the visitation order. The custodial parent cannot interfere with the non-custodial parents access to the child.They can for a vacation. They cannot move permanently without authority from the court. The other parent still has parental rights and visitation rights. The court has jurisdiction. The custodial parent needs the non-custodial's parent's consent to move the child out of state as well as a court approval through a modification of the visitation order. The custodial parent cannot interfere with the non-custodial parents access to the child.They can for a vacation. They cannot move permanently without authority from the court. The other parent still has parental rights and visitation rights. The court has jurisdiction. The custodial parent needs the non-custodial's parent's consent to move the child out of state as well as a court approval through a modification of the visitation order. The custodial parent cannot interfere with the non-custodial parents access to the child.They can for a vacation. They cannot move permanently without authority from the court. The other parent still has parental rights and visitation rights. The court has jurisdiction. The custodial parent needs the non-custodial's parent's consent to move the child out of state as well as a court approval through a modification of the visitation order. The custodial parent cannot interfere with the non-custodial parents access to the child.

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How old do you have to be to get your eyebrow pierced in Washington?

16 with parent. 18 alone.