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Q: Can parent with type AB blood donate blood someone with B blood type?
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Could your blood type be o or b if your fathers is blood type o dominant and your mothers is blood type b dominant?

Yes - blood type O or B are the only possibilities. Each parent donates one allele to the child. The parent with blood type O must donate an O. The parent with blood type be will donate either a B or an O - they can only donate an O if they are heterozygous, BO.

What will the result of O- blood plus B?

For a transfusion - blood type O can donate to blood type B. However, blood type O cannot except B-type blood. For offspring, with one O parent and one B parent - the child could be blood type O or B depending on the genotype of the parent with B-type blood.

Are people with blood type O can be considered blood type universal recipient?

Yes, blood type "O" is considered universal recipient. Blood type "AB" can not donate too someone with blood type O can donate blood too a person with blood type O.

Is it ok to donate blood to someone who needs it to live?

yes it is as long as u have to same blood type

What blood type can donate to everyone else?

Blood type AB can only donate to another AB type. Blood type O+ can be given to anyone, but a blood type like A or B or AB can only be donated to a person who has the same exact blood type as the person who is donating their blood.

Can someone with type AB blood have a parent with type O?

No - the child must recieve one allele from each parent. This means that because one parent is AB they must donate an A or a B to the child. In order for the child to be O both parents must have at least one O (AO, BO or OO).

What type of blood can blood type A- donate to?

A, or AB

Can a person with type A blood safely donate blood to person having type O blood?

No, to donate blood safely the donor and the recipient have to have the same blood type.

Can someone with AB blood type ever have biological children that are Type O?

The other parent would have to have blood type O to have a child with that blood type.

You are o - to whom you can donate and from whom you can received blood?

You can donate you any blood type, but only accept type O- blood

Can a child with blood type O have a parent with AB blood type explain?

No. A and B are dominant blood types and O is recessive. A parent with blood type AB can only donate a dominant A or dominant B. A child with blood type O would need to come from parents with one of the following combinations: A-A, A-B, A-O, B-O, O-O

Who can blood type A donate to?

Only type A