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Parole is a release from prison before the entire sentence has been served. While on parole, the parolee must meet certain conditions and requirements, which usually include obeying all laws, not associating with known felons or gang members, not using drugs and/or alcohol, seeking employment, and meeting regularly with a parole officer. If the parolee fails to meet these requirements, he can be returned to prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence. Parole has nothing to do with clearing records.

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Q: Can parole help you get your records clear?
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Can you violate your parole for a ticket for littering in Nevada?

You can, but if you do your parole officer could revoke your parole and send you back to prison. The conditions of your parole on criminal violations is clear, none.

If you get a dwi offense on parole do you have to go before the parole board again?

MUCH depends on the recommendation of your Parole Officer (PO). If your PO determines that it is a clear, cut and dried, violation of the conditions of your parole he could recommend that you go straght back inside.

Parole violated for failing 1 drug test. who can help?

Help for what? Appeal to your PO, or the parole board? Find a drug program? Find an attorney to get you off? Only YOU can control what you put in your body.

Can your parole officer find out if you were arrested for a misdemeanorand if so how long after your arrest would he be notified this is nys?

In this day and age virtually ALL criminal and arrest records are computerized - AND - since your parole officer is part of the criminal justioce system, he has access to all this information. If the arresting agency doesn't notify him specifically, all he would have to do is run a routine records check on you to find it.

When was Parole parole created?

Off Parole was created on 1996-03-19.

How long does a parole have a curfew?

Parole curfews last for the length of the parole or until it is lifted by the Parole Officer.

My Friend wants me to contact a parole attorney to see if they can help him with early parole. Can you hellp Or make a referal for me.?

i have no answer to this question but if you do please share the info and if it was helpful thanks I have never heard of a parole attorney.Most parole boards feel inferior to an attorney being present. The best thing for your friend to do is wait for his eligibility date and go in and be honest with the PB.He has to admit guilt and show true remorse. Parole hearing is not the place to try to prove innocence. You'll just be wasting your time and theirs. To get an early parole hearing will result from the inmate's good behavior and proving he is deserving of early parole. There's no lawyer that I know of that can help. Don't waste money. The inmate will have to work it from the inside unless he knows a politician who can pull some strings. I made parole three times but it was because I worked at it from within the institution. No one on the outside could help me except offer moral support and a job.

Do i have to tell my parole officer that i was arrested for a misdemeanor?

You'd better. It would look better if you told him than if he finds it out while doing a routine records check on you.

When does a parole hold get lifted?

The term of their parole is given to the parolee at the time they are released on parole. If they satisfactorily complete their parole they will be notified of that fact by their Parole Officer or the court.

Can you get your medical records online?

If your hospital has your records in a database, you can access them by the help of your password.

Can a step dad on parole parole out to a step child's home if she is on parole to?

It depends on the specific terms of the parole of each person.

What can I find out if I get a criminal background check on someone?

A criminal background check can reveal information such as the person's criminal record, including arrests, convictions, court records, warrants, and sometimes even incarceration history. It may also include information on sex offender registry status, misdemeanors, felonies, and other offenses. Keep in mind that the information available varies depending on the jurisdiction and the type of background check conducted.