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Some people pass out when they are pregnant, so yes, it could be the case. I would wait for my period and if it doesn't come do a test.

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Q: Can passing out a few weeks after you might have conceived be a sign of pregnancy?
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If the fetus is 9cm long is it more likely to have been conceived 10 or 14 weeks ago?

About 14-15 weeks into pregnancy the fetus is about 9cm long so it was conceived 12-13 weeks ago.

How is the gender of the baby chosen weeks in pregnancy or the day it was conceived?

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Can you count back the weeks of your pregnancy from a dating scan to see when you may have conceived if your LMP is unknown?

I just had a child and I had no idea when my last MP was or when around he was conceived, but if you know already how old around the fetus is, then you can get somewhat of an idea, but it won't be exact. Yes. If you count back two weeks less than the length of your pregnancy, that is approximately when you conceived. For example if your dating scan says you are 10 weeks pregnant, counting back 8 weeks will give you your approximate date of conception.

What if your ultrasound said 5 weeks when did you conceive?

Doctors measure pregnancy from the first day of your last period, but you don't conceive until two weeks after that. Your baby was conceived 3 weeks ago.

If you conceived on August 28 2009 what is your due date?

July 2. An average pregnancy is 40 weeks, but seldom exactly on on that date.

How long does it take to find out you're pregnant?

It takes about a month. If you read the pregnancy test it says that the month after you think you conceived is when you can test yourself, and the result will probably be more definite. A pregnancy test will give an accurate result 3 weeks after sex. 14 weeks after intercourse is the most accurate date for determining pregnancy with a home pregnancy test.

If you went to the doctor on February 1 and you were two weeks pregnant when did conception start?

As pregnancy is counted from the beginning of your period, 2 weeks is actually when you conceive. So you conceived on February 1st.

Can a women have a succsessful pregnancy with a Bifurcated uterus?

Yes you can. I have had 2 normal pregnancies that were conceived naturally and carried to term (38 weeks and 39 weeks 4 days) without any complications.

How can you tell what day you conceived you took a pregnancy test that is positive?

YOu can't tell from a pregnancy test what day you conceived. If you have a regulkar 28day cycle it is likely to have been 13-15 days after the START of your last period. An ultrasound scan at around 6 weeks can tell you within a day or two.

Can the doctor tell a girl when she conceived?

The doctor can estimate about how many weeks along the pregnancy is through methods such as ultrasound, but he cannot say with 100% certainty what the exact date was.

When did you conceive if the ultrasound says you are 7wks 1day on March 27th?

A pregnancy is measured from the first day of the last period. So technically 7 weeks 1 day includes the 2 weeks before you conceived. In general, you conceived 10-20 days after the first day (start of) your last period. About February 20.

If an ultrasound says you are 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant is that the day you conceived or would it be that date plus an extra 2 weeks?

That means it is the date conceived (or within 48 hours of). It is never right on, but within a week of. Go by what the ultrasound says. No, if your ultrasound says 17 weeks and 2 days that would be that date plus 2 extra weeks, that is around the time of your last period, unless you have irregular periods or conceived straight after a miscarriage or something. The length of pregnancy is always measured from your last period even by ultrasound.