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Yes By Many KInds Of Ways

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To be alone is to be different to be different is to be alone... what does this mean?

to be alone mean to have some thing miss inside even if you have many people around you

Can people identify different kinds of kool-aid by taste alone blindfolded?

Easy. If you're black, you can identify it clearly. It's our natural senses. If you're any other color, well...I don't know what to tell ya'. You better study up.

Can rocks be identify by color alone?

Yes it can

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Doing weed and crystal meth together is no more dangerous than doing crystal meth alone.

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The reason you can not use just mass or volume to identify something is because they mean 2 different things for 2 different things. The mass is the weight of something, while the volume is the space something takes up.

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lonely is when you have people around you but still feel sad and empty. when you are alone you have no one with you in the room

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Why can you not only use mass or volume to alone to identify substance?

The reason you can not use just mass or volume to identify something is because they mean 2 different things for 2 different things. The mass is the weight of something, while the volume is the space something takes up.

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people react differently in groups. if you want him to act himself, get him alone.

How can you ask your friend to leave you alone without hurting her feelings?

You can ask your friend to leave you alone by simply telling her you have a need to be alone sometimes or be with different people. If she does not take the hint then you have no option but to be honest with you.

How old is a Crosman air rifle serial number 00002497?

I'm going to need more information, like the model number to Identify it. Just the serial is alone is not much help. Different models had different serial number's.

How old is a Crosman air rifle serial number 010407380?

I'm going to need more information, like the model number to Identify it. Just the serial is alone is not much help. Different models had different serial number's.