

Can primates swim

Updated: 10/9/2023
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15y ago

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well an orangutan has been swimming in a orangutan shelter her name was princess she is one of the most intelligent Orangutans ever. but most monkeys and lemurs cant swim, but chimpanzees Bonobos and Orangutans have been seen wading through the water using sticks to balance themselves if its deep. hope that helped you!

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15y ago

Primates can swim but often they only swim if they have to. Especially primates with a lot of hair eg. an ourangutan, as they dont like to get their hair wet because i becomes too heavy for their comfort.Primates can swim but often they only swim if they have to. Especially primates with a lot of hair eg. an ourangutan, as they dont like to get their hair wet because i becomes too heavy for their comfort.

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