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Ketones are produced as a byproduct of fat metabolism, not protein metabolism. Elevated urine keytone levels can be either a sign of diet-induced ketosis or possible kidney disease. In either case, a high protein diet alone should not elevate keytone levels in urine. However, if a person is on a high-protein, high-fat and low-carbohydrate diet (for example Atkins or one of the other ketogenic diets out there), it would not be unusual to see elevated keytone levels in a urinanalysis. These keytones would be produced, however, as a result of the body metabolizing fat in the absence of carbohydrates, and not because of the higher protein intake.

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Q: Can protein drinks increase ketone levels in the urinalysis test?
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What does sit mean if urinalysis has u-ket trace?

In my case, it was fasting for the test. If you haven't eaten for 12 hours or more before the test it can cause the Ketone reading to register. Trace amount probably means the lowest detectable amount. It can also be from dehydration.

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Raspberry ketone may decrease the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that increase the risk of bleeding such as warfarin. Raspberry ketone may lower one's blood sugar levels. Err on the side of caution when using a supplement and get some feedback before using. It can cause other issues. Raspberry ketone may also interact with agents that block androgen receptor activity, agents that regulate heart rate, agents that can cause liver disorders, and skin disoders.

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Mild oxidation of a secondary alcohol will produce a ketone; strong oxidation, such as burning, can produce carbon dioxide and water.

Acetone contains which functional group?

This is actually an organic chemistry question, but it is a Methyl Ketone.

What is the difference between litmus strips and ketone strips?

Litmus strips estimate the pH of a solution. Ketone strips detect the presence of ketone bodies in the solution. Specifically, ketone strips are more sensitive for acetoacetate and less so for beta hydroxybutyric acid.

What is a saturated ketone?

A saturated ketone is one which has saturated alpha, beta carbons etc.. (by this I mean saturated with hydrogens, there are no double bonds). The opposite, a conjugated ketone, is one which has double bonds in its substituents or R groups (such as an aromatic ring system or alkene). For example, benzil is a conjugated ketone while acetone is a saturated ketone. Source: Organic Chemistry student