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I have 25 slots left - I am asking for only $4 per UDID activation. email me or PayPal me (whichever works better) at and I can do it for you in minutes. Just let me know your UDID when you email me!

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Q: Can someone register my UDID for iOS 5 in return for a 5 amazon gift card code?
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What happens if i changed my UDID code?

If you changed your UDID code you can play games that you are banned in.

What does UDID FAKER application do It is usually downloaded from CYDIA?

The UDID Faker application is used to identify and authenticate your device.

If i was banned from the game called spartan wars TAP4FUN games can i change UDID and get back because they might probably blocked my iphone's UDID code?

Yes, if you were banned from the game called spartan wars TAP4FUN you can change the UDID code.

If i was banned from a game does changing UDID code help me back to play this game It is called spartan wars?

Yes, if you banned from a game like Spartan wars you can get back to the game by changing the UDID code.

How can you regain the testosterone that you lose when you run distance?

milk and udid dal can regain sperms in 3 hours

How to install ios 8 on ipad?

ios 8 can be installed on ipad by first registering or have your device UDID registered by a developer and then download the iOS 8 beta and install it on your ipad

How do you find the UDID without your ipod?

On Mac os, go to spotlight search and type in backup ( cuz I backed up my lost iPod) and it's the numbers and digits on the different folders..all of the folders are the different ones you backed up

Is graal a dangerous game to play cause my dad thinks it is so can anyone prove its not my dad thinks it can hack into my tv that's just crazy please help?

You can be safe as long as you dont tell anyone anything about your iPod/iPad like UDID, don't tell them your email addess, and don't fall for VIP scams...otherwise Graal is a pretty safe games. No one has ever had their tv hacked or anything before when they play Graal.