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Q: Can symptoms of a heart attack come and go?
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Name the female heart attack symptoms.?

this is a very good question. but every good question always has a good answer to go along with it. female heart attack symptoms are the same as male hearth attack symptoms.

I have the heart attack symptoms but no heart attack. What should I do?

You should get a check-up from your doctor. Go to your nearest doctor right away.

What are the major symptoms of a heart attack?

Any time you have chest pain you should see your physician or go to the emergency room. While not all chest pain indicates a heart attack, it is better to be safe than sorry. Heart attack symptoms may differ from person to person, but chest pain and shortness of breath along with anxiety, sweating and nausea are all common symptoms.

Know the Symptoms of a Heart Attack and How to Act?

Recognizing symptoms of a heart attack can clearly save a person's life. Everyone should be able to recognize signs of a heart attack. Each heart attack is different, so it is necessary to take any symptoms seriously. Taking early action on the symptoms of a heart attack will increase the statistics of surviving. Many people wait too long after signs of a heart attack appear. People mistake signs of a heart attack to be non-life threatening and this can be a fatal mistake. People who do not seek medical attention may have a higher chance of dying. They believe waiting for the symptoms to go away is a better route. The scariest part of a heart attack is that the symptoms are not always obvious. Sometimes the symptoms will go away unexpectedly, so it is crucial to be overly cautious than to ignore these signs. The chest is not the only area a person may experience pain and discomfort. Arms, the back, neck, jaw and stomach pains may also signal a heart attack. Shortness of breath while having such discomfort is a significant warning sign and should be taken seriously. Cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness are also clear signals that something is wrong. These symptoms may disappear when resting and have to be taken seriously. Heart attack symptoms can be deceiving, call 911 and get medical attention immediately to increase the chances of surviving. People who have a history of heart problems may already carry aspirin or nitroglycerin and under a doctor's care and direction. Lowering any physical actions and remaining calm may also help. It also must be said to take steps to become healthier such as changing eating and exercise habits for the better. Listen to the doctor about changing lifestyle habits to have a healthy heart and circulatory system. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack can save a life. Erring on the side of caution is a life saving action when experiencing these symptoms. Following the advice of a physician, being aware of a heart attack's symptoms and acting on those symptoms will save a life.

Recognizing Heart Attack Symptoms?

Sometimes, heart attacks can be mistaken for many other conditions or situations. For example, somebody suffering from a heart attack may underestimate what's happening and chalk it up to a panic attack. Heart attacks can be scary when recognized, but to recognize them, you must know exactly what can happen when you're experiencing one so that you can take the appropriate action and seek early help for the preservation of your heart health. Heart attacks generally begin in subtle phases. Many people think that heart attacks hit out of nowhere, which is generally not the case. Typically, when a person experiences a heart attack, it will begin with subtle signs such as discomfort. Surprisingly, many people would not describe the beginning stage of discomfort in the chest as painful. If anything, it can be described as uncomfortable. As a heart attack worsens, the most noticeable symptom will more than likely be the tightness and pain in the chest. This pain and uncomfortable feeling may come and go, but for some it may linger without ever leaving. For some people, the tightness in the chest may not be very painful, but for others the pain can be debilitating. As the heart attack progresses, some people might find that the pain will radiate up through the neck and down through the arms or back. Sometimes, it may radiate all the way up into the jaw. Sometimes, people will only experience the main in their arms, neck and head while they experience no chest pain. This should not be brushed off. There are also a few other symptoms that sufferers of heart attacks will more than likely experience. They are a little more minor, but they will also help you more clearly identify the heart attack as it is happening. Some of these symptoms include shortness of breath, panicky anxiety, dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, etc. These are all also symptoms that many heart attack sufferers have reported to experience while having a heart attack. Although, these are all common symptoms, your symptoms could vary in the event that you were to have a heart attack. It's never a good idea to underestimate your symptoms. It's not a good idea either to think, "A heart attack wouldn't happen to me," while experiencing the typical symptoms. Additionally, never try to withstand or resist the heart attack. Obtain immediate medical attention as soon as possible. Lastly, remember that the sooner you notify a healthcare professional about your symptoms, the higher the chances you have of surviving your heart attack.

Heart Attack Symptoms- When to Seek Help?

Heart disease is one of the top one causes of death in the U.S. Heart disease increases the chances of heart attack and stroke. Heart attack symptoms vary from person to person. For example, women typically report mild to no chest pain in the event of a heart attack when compared to men. Some people experience no symptoms at all. While symptoms may vary from mild to severe, there are a few common warning signs that mean it is time to seek medical attention.Pain and Discomfort in the ChestPain and discomfort in the middle to left side of the chest is an indicator of heart attack. This is one of the most common heart attack symptoms reported. This pain often feels mild to sharp and is also described as a pressure, tightness or full feeling. Chest pain stemming from a heart attack may last several minutes, or it may come and go. In some cases, people mistake heart attack chest pain for digestive disorders, such as heartburn or indigestion.Other Physical Pain and DiscomfortOccassionally, heart attack pain manifests in other limbs and areas of the body. It is important to seek medical attention in the event of pain and discomfort in one or both arms, which may be accompanied by tingling or numbness. Heart attack pain occasionally presents itself as pain in the neck, back or jaw. In some cases, this pain appears in the upper portion of the stomach. Patients may also experience tightness in the chest and shortness of breath.Fatigue, Dizziness and VomittingIn addition to pain and discomfort in the upper reigons of the body, heart attack patients also experience other symptoms, such as fatigue and cold sweats. Patients may become nauseated and vomit. A feeling of dizziness or light-headedness may set in. If these symptoms occur during the evening or nighttime hours, they often interfere with the patient's ability to sleep.ConsiderationsNever wait too long to question heart attack symptoms. Patients that experience one of a combination of these symptoms should immediately seek the help of a qualified medical professional. Remember that heart attack symptoms are different for everyone, and do not follow a specific order or level of severity.

heart attack symptom?

Myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is the leading cause of death in adults in the world. It occurs when lack of circulation to part of the heart kills the cells in that area, thus ceasing heart function. Some people suffer several heart attacks in their lifetime that do not result in death. However, even one heart attack can kill a person. Immediate treatment of some heart attacks is necessary to stop the damage before it results in death. Even then, treatment is not always successful. As much as one quarter of heart attacks will not produce any symptoms, though this is more likely in women than in men. When there are symptoms, the most common are weakness, shortness of breath and sudden chest pain. The pain can radiate from the chest and into the left arm, shoulder and neck. Some other conditions can present with the same symptoms leading people to believe they are having a heart attack when it is something less urgent. Nonetheless, these symptoms should be treated as serious and heart attack should be ruled out. Other symptoms of heart attack are heart palpitations, vomiting, nausea, sweating, anxiety, heartburn and fatigue. Any or all of these symptoms may be present during a heart attack. While anxiety produces similar symptoms, heart attack should not be ruled out in the presence of anxiety. The symptoms of heart attack are more than capable of producing anxiety. One should never assume that these symptoms are anxiety, especially if there is a pre-existing heart condition. Several other potentially fatal events can present as a heart attack. These include fluid buildup around the heart, esophageal perforation, collapsed lung and pulmonary embolism. There are also non-life threatening illnesses that can produce heart attack symptoms, such as anxiety and acid reflux. Only a doctor can diagnose a heart attack, using a number of tests and patient history. A heart attack can also go completely unnoticed until those tests become necessary for another reason or another heart attack. If those tests never become necessary, the heart attack should be noted during autopsy whether or not it is the cause of death or occurred earlier.

What can go wrong with your heart?

heart attack,diabetes

Is it usual to have heartthrobs?

No It IS NOt NOrmal To have heart throbs if you are you are probably having panic or anxity attack ... dont worry this can be helped just go to the doctor and tell them your symptoms.

Symptoms of a Heart Attack?

The symptoms of a heart attack often begin subtly and are difficult to detect. However, left untreated, symptoms of a heart attack are potentially deadly. Because of this, all symptoms of a heart attack are to be treated as a medical emergency. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the following symptoms of a heart attack, please proceed to an emergency room immediately. Chest Pain- The discomfort or pain associated with a heart attack can feel like a tightness, ache, pressure, fullness, or a squeezing in the center of your chest. Chest pains are often described as spasms. Upper Body Pain- Discomfort may spread beyond your chest, spreading to your shoulders, arms, neck, back, or even your jaw. It is possible to experience unexplained upper body pain without chest pain. Stomach Pain- Stomach pain associated with a heart attack often feels like heartburn. Shortness of Breath- Shortness of breath often occurs before chest pain begins. Panting, wheezing, and inability to catch your breath are possible signs of a heart attack about to occur. Anxiety- Unexplained panic attacks or a sense of impending doom can signal a serious health condition such as a heart attack about to occur. Lightheadedness- Feeling dizzy or feeling as though you may pass out frequently accompany spasms and chest pains. Sweating- Unexplained, sudden sweating is another symptom of a heart attack. This usually occurs in the form of a cold sweat, accompanied by clammy skin. Nausea and Vomiting- People suffering from heart attacks frequently become nauseous or vomit. Though the symptoms of a heart attack may be subtle or difficult to detect at first, early detection is the key to survival. Don't be tempted to brush of your symptoms or downplay their seriousness. Even if you feel your symptoms may be related to indigestion or anxiety, do not wait out the symptoms of a heart attack for more than five minutes. If symptoms continue after five minutes, call 911 and get yourself to an emergency medical center immediately. It could save your life.

What can go wrong if the heart muscle cells are not working?

You will get a heart attack

Severe and Subtle Symptoms of Heart Attack?

The symptoms of a heart attack can vary from person to person. However, there are a few telltale signs that alert medical personnel that a heart attack may have happened or may be in progress. Individuals should know these signs so they know when to contact emergency medical services. Benign conditions can present as heart attacks, but it is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to heart attack.Subtle SymptomsThe subtle symptoms of a heart attack may go unnoticed by the sufferer or be dismissed as harmless. These symptoms include pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, dizziness, arm pain, neck pain, jaw pain and stomach pain. Unless these symptoms are overwhelming, which they often are not, a person may write them off as a less severe problem. Unfortunately, heart attacks can appear this way and even go untreated because of the lack of intense symptoms.Obvious SymptomsMore obvious and alarming symptoms of heart attack include severe chest, neck, face or abdomen pain, fainting, irregular heartbeat, rapid heartbeat and anxiety. People who suffer from anxiety may think they are simply having an anxiety attack because the symptoms of both conditions are very similar, though one is not life threatening. Therefore, if anxiety sufferers feel any unusual pain associated with their anxiety attacks or notice their hearts beating irregularly, they should be checked by medical professionals.A heart attack is a medical emergency. It can result in death or severe damage, if untreated. Even treated heart attacks can be very serious. Therefore, it is essential to get treatment for heart attack symptoms as soon as possible. People experiencing these symptoms need a quick ride to the hospital or an ambulance. They should not try to drive, as heart attacks can cause loss of consciousness. If the symptoms are not severe, it is prudent at least to call a doctor for an opinion.