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You can use essential oil on a cold sores, but some work better than others. Melissa oil is the preferred recommendation for cold sores, while tea tree oil will also do but just not as well.

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Q: Can tea tree oil help with genital herpes?
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4 Helpful Treatmens for Genital Herpes?

Genital herpes is a surprisingly common disease that affects approximately 30 million Americans. Many of the initial symptoms can be easily mistaken for the flu and may consist of fever, aches and pains, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. Discharge from the genitals is also often present. Eventually, genital sores may or may not show up.Many genital herpes sufferers believe that there is little they can do about their condition and end up feeling isolated and self-conscious if it starts affecting relationships. However, there are several helpful treatments for genital herpes.Neem OilPressed from the leaves and fruit of India's Neem tree, this oil has been used for thousands of years and is highly prized for its antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and spermicidal abilities. Indians call the tree "the village pharmacy". The oil's active chemicals are highly toxic to the herpes virus, so applying it to affected areas can help the sores to clear up more quickly and decrease the chances of recurrence. Neem oil is also effective when used after contact with an infected person.CamphorCamphor is another plant-based substance, this time from the Camphor laurel tree, that is very toxic to the virus that causes genital herpes. It is known primarily for its roles in cold relief products like medicated lip balms, cough drops, salves and decongestants and causes a cooling feeling similar to menthol. Besides Camphor laurel, other sources of this beneficial oil includes rosemary and Asian camphor basil.TurmericThe common household spice that is responsible for the yellowness of mustard and other foods is also an effective treatment for genital herpes. The turmeric root contains a chemical called curcumin that supercharges immunity, reduces pain and inflammation and makes cells resist the virus.L-LysineLysine is an amino acid that helps to fight herpes by hindering its ability to replicate itself, as well as making outbreaks shorter and less severe. It is present in the greatest quantities in foods like fish, meat and dairy products. Plant sources of it are not easily used by the body. Another amino acid, L-arginine, can actually encourage herpes outbreaks, so it's important to make sure your consumption of it stays lower than of lysine.

From where can i Purchase tea tree oil in riyadh..... please help mee?

you can find tea tree oil in The Body Shop store in Riyadh.

Does tea tree oil help infections?

yes it does help with infections for example soaking ur feet with 4-5 drops of tea tree oil can rid of foot fungus and infectiosn

Malayalam word for tea tree oil?

tea tree oil

What impact does tea tree oil have on the immune system?

Tea tree oil can boost suppressed immune systems and help those with chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome . Surgeons in Australian hospitals treat patients in these situations with tea tree oil before surgery.

Does Tea Tree Oil help reduce the number of eyelash mites?

Yes, tea tree oil is sometimes recommended to treat mites infestations on your eyelashes. You can scrub your lids with a 50% tea tree oil for about 6 weeks. However, make sure to avoid direct contact with your eyes.

Does cholesterol hair cream help prevent lice?

You can still have recurrence's, best thing to use is Tea tree Oil in the dark bottle. Read up on Tea tree Oil, this is excellent for anything.....

What green products help in cleaning a home?

Some green products that can help clean one's home are vinegar, baking soda, beeswax, tea tree oil, lemon, cornstarch, olive oil, pine oil, and liquid castile oil.

What is the tree tea oil called in Tamil?

tea tree oil

Where to get tea tree oil in Mumbai?

i want tea tree oil from mumbai

How can the Pongamia tree help slow global warming?

Oil made from the seeds of this tree, known as pongamia oil, can be used to produce bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is a renewable source of energy, a diesel oil made from vegetation, so its burning does not contribute to global warming.

Australian tree which yields an oil?

The Eucalyptus tree for one produces eucalyptus oil.