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You should call your doctor if you haven't been able to keep anything down for 24 hours.

This is nothing to worry about. A woman's body is AMAZING! It takes care of the baby before it takes care of you :) There are many women that have extreme morning sickness and their babies are just fine. However, if you are having symptoms that are more severe than regular flu symptoms or if you "just don't feel right", then do call your doctor.

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Q: Can the baby be affected at 18 weeks if you have the flu or are vomiting and have diarrhea?
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Can a 2 month old baby get stomach flu?

A virus can be spread to anyone. But if your baby is vomiting or having diarrhea, a visit to the pediatrician is advised.

Can Hawaiian Baby Woodrose kill people?

Ingesting Hawaiian woodrose causes hallucinations if one survives the diarrhea and vomiting preceding it.

Castor oil at 35 weeks 3tablespoons?

Castor oil is not a recommended dietary supplement for pregnant mothers, since it can induce vomiting and diarrhea. You could wait until your baby is as fully formed as s/he can be in the womb, and wait for your body to listen to the baby's signal that it's time to be born. Natural labour will follow. Human gestation is normal between 37 and 42 weeks.

Why is it important to seek medical help if an infant experience prolonged vomiting and or diarrhea?

because their could be a bacteria effecting the bowls. and taking them to a hospital they can take blood culture test to determine why the baby is vomiting and have extermene diarrda

What are the signs or symptoms of gastroenteritis?

Symptoms depend on the kind of gastroenteritis. Generally most gastroenteritis are accompanied with these common symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration, and low grade fever. The intensity of these symptoms depends on the severity and type of gastroenteritis.

Is diarrhea a sign of pregnancy or miscarriage?

Answerno---I think it possibly could be a sign. My baby stopped growing 6w2d and my diarrhea started that day, but I did not miscarry for 3 weeks. Once the baby stopped growing, I had diarrhea for 7 days straight - and that never happens to me.Now I am pregnant again & I hit 6w2d yesterday and my diarrhea started again. The doctors feel my baby will not make it based on my 6w1d ultrasound, so this diarrhea could be a sign in my 2nd miscarriage.

Where can I learn about baby diarrhea?

WebMD is a trusted source for medical information. Their page discussing all aspects of baby diarrhea is located here:

Is vomiting a symptom of dead fetus inside mother's womb?

No, quite the opposite. Vomiting is very common in pregnancy due to the extra hormones. It is most common during the early stages (1-12 weeks) and is not a sign that the baby has died.

What happens when my baby drinks eight hour old formula?

Tummy upset, diarrhea, vomiting and flu like symptoms due to bacteria growing in it. It is really unsafe for babies and it could cause dehydration from the diarrhea and vomit then making the child end up in the hospital. Nothing good comes from it that is why you only have a 1 hour window to use the formula after that toss it in the trash for the safety of the baby.

Can drinking epsom salt while pregnant cause a miscarrage?

That can dehydrate the mother by causing vomiting and diarrhea. If she is near death from dehydration, the baby may die and miscarry. That would be about the only mechanism for magnesium sulfate to work as an abortifacient.

What should you do if your 7 months baby have a fever with diarrhea?

Give him/her plenty of water, the baby loses a lot of water when having diarrhea, and go see a doctor.

Why does your 7 month baby keep getting diarrhea?

It is best to call your doctor for diarrhea issues in infants.