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Q: Can the segment of DNA that is damaged is transcribed into RNA?
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What is the form of RNA that is transcribed from DNA?

A. rRNA Type of RNA molecule transcribed from a DNA template B. codon Sequence of three nucleotides on a messenger RNA molecule C. tRNA RNA component of ribosomes D. anticodon Connects mRNA codon to an amino acid E.mRNA Sequence of three nucleotides on a transfer RNA molecule

What does DNA and RNA ultimately construct?

DNA is transcribed into RNA which is translated into proteins. Only a small percentage of DNA and RNA become proteins. Some of the time the process stops after DNA is transcribed into RNA.

What is the name of the DNA molecule that is transcribed?

DNA transcription is a process that involves the transcribing of genetic information from DNA to RNA.

What does the letter t transcribe to in DNA?

In DNA t is transcribed into t. It is only in RNA that t is transcribed into u.

What form of RNA is made by the nucleolus?

Ribosomal RNA. It is transcribed from DNA in the nucleolus.

Is transcription the manufacture of a strand of RNA complementary to a strand of DNA?

Yes. The strand of RNA is messenger RNA, mRNA.

What rna sequence is transcribed using the DNA sequence agc-tac-act?

The sequence of the RNA would be UCG-AUG-UGA.

In which cell organelle is DNA kept and rna transcribed?


What is built when a strand of DNA is transcribed?

I think it's RNA

Which regions of DNA are transcribed to RNA and then translated to form a polypeptide?


How is RNA translated and where?

RNA transcribed in nucleus and transported to cytoplasm for protein synthesis. RNA normally transcribed from DNA at cell nucleus and not translated. It can translates protein if there is a message in coded, in cytoplasm.

Which type of molecule is DNA sequences transcribed for protein synthesis?

DNA is transcribed to Messenger RNA (mRNA), and protein coding mRNAs form proteins