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No, because of the risk of bleeding post operatively. It is recommended that the diastolic is below 100mmhg before extraction.

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yes.. if blood pressure is well controlled

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Q: In high blood pressure Pt is tooth extraction is advisible?
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Can a tooth extraction cause a stroke?

A stroke, or cerebral vascular accident (CVA), is a either the result of a clot in a blood vessel in the brain or a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. With a rupture accident, the wall of the vessel is at fault and no, a tooth extraction cannot cause that. When a tooth is extracted, the clot that forms is limited to the boney socket where the tooth roots used to be. The clot cannot travel to the blood stream, and if the clot is lost prematurely, it is lost to the oral cavity and swallowed or spit up and results in a "dry socket". "Dry socket" results in intense sharp pain, but no CVA. However, if a patient's hypertension is poorly managed, and the stress of an extraction is great on the patient, then it is possible to spike their blood pressure and cause a stroke. That is why the patient's health history information is gathered and blood pressure should be checked prior to an extraction. If the tooth is not extracted, it is also possible that the pain can cause a spike in blood pressure and have the same effect.

What is the gross taste after a tooth extraction?

Most likely blood. Maybe even the gauze.

Why cant you rinse with salt water for the first 24 hours after a tooth extraction?

When you have a tooth extracted, the blood needs to clot for healing purposes. Rinsing with salt water can hinder the formation of a blood clot; this is why rinsing is not recommended in the first 24 hours after an extraction.

Can you suck your area of tooth extraction?

you should not suck on your extraction socket. The increased pressure can lead to dry socket, which is very painful. Your friendly oral surgeon.

Is it possible to get a blood clot traveling through the body after Wisdom Teeth extraction?

Obese people have an increased risk of thrombosis, which is a blood clot traveling through the body, after wisdom tooth extraction.

What is the potential complications of performing a dental extraction on a patient with a very high blood pressure?

It is not indicated to extract someone's tooth if their diastolic blood pressure (the second number) is over 100. Some dentists don't take blood pressure before treatment. It would just be a gamble, it could go fine, or she could go into hypertensive crisis.

Blood clot wisdom teeth?

Blood clots generally form after your wisdom tooth extraction within thirty to sixty minutes.

How long after a molar tooth extraction can you swim?

You should wait at least 4 or 5 days after a molar tooth extraction before you go swimming. This activity can get your blood pumping fast and dislodge the clot giving you dry socket.

Can a upper tooth extraction effect sinus?

Yes, the extraction of an upper tooth can affect the sinuses.

Can you get a massage after your tooth extraction?


Is your tooth extraction infected?

A tooth extraction can get an infection. A dentist or doctor will have to prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection.

Can you show me the instructions for after care of an extraction?

It depends on what kind of extraction you are speaking of. Is it a tooth extraction? A menstrual or abortion extraction?