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It depends on the recipe. Shortening becomes solid at room temperature while vegetable oil does not. So vegetable oil may be substituted for melted shortening only in recipes that do not depend on shortening becoming solid for texture when cooled.

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12y ago

No, oil is liquid, shortening should be solid. Margarine or butter can be used as shortening.

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Q: Can vegetable oil be substituted for melted shortening?
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What can you substitue for butter flavored shortening?

I normally replace with half shortening and half butter. It works fine.

Can you use shortening instead of vegetable oil in zucchini bread?

Yes, melted shortening can replace vegetable oil in zucchini bread, although shortening is not a healthy choice.

Can canola oil be used as a substitute for solid vegetable shortening in a cake?

Yes, in some cake recipes, canola oil can be substituted for shortening.

Can you replace shortening with vegetable oil in oatmeal cookie recipe?

Vegetable oil and butter are two types of shortening. All fats and oils are shortening, and can be substituted for each other, but this will affect the flavour and texture of the food, as some shortenings have stronger and different flavours, and also have different melting points.

Can you substitute melted shortening for vegetable oil in pancakes?

Yes, but trans fats and hydrogenated fats are really bad for you--watch out!!

Is vegetable oil shortening?


What can you use as a substitute for vegetable oil?

You have to use some kind of oil. Olive oil is probably the best, although any kind of vegetable or fruit or nut oil will do. The oil combines with the yolk of the egg to form an emulsification. Without the oil, you can't get mayonnaise.

What can be substituted for vegetable oil?


Can you melt shortening as a substitute for vegetable oil?

For most things. Let it cool and the finished product will be slightly heavier with shortening.

What type of triglyceride would this of substance be vegetable oil butter shortening?

Vegetable oil is unsaturated. Butter is saturated. Im not sure about shortening.

What elements make up shortening?

Shortening, such as Crisco, is made from vegetable oil.

Does vegetable oil shortening contain pork?

No. It is just vegetable oil. I don't think animal fat shortening is even available except for straight lard.