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You should consider someone as whatever gender they choose to identify themselves as. If someone who was born a woman identifies as a male, you should consider them a male whether or not they have had gender reassignment surgery.

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15y ago
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7y ago

Transgenders, unlike actual transsexuals (who are pre and post op), are still the gender which was assigned to them at birth and is determined by their chromosomes. While a post op transsexual can be physically a man, biologically and genetically he is still female.

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13y ago

Transgenders pre and post op are still the gender which was assigned to them at birth and is determined by their chromosomes. While a post op transgender can be physically a man, biologically and genetically she is still female.

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7y ago

A transgender woman is actually a woman, even though she was wrongly born with a penis. The gender and pronouns mentioned is always the true gender that the person believes themselves to be, and NEVER a reference to the body which is nobody's business. A person is not their body. Unlike sex being determined by the body, gender is determined by the type of brain you were born with and your social role.

This question is quite insulting, since if a person decides to transition to being a woman, then they are actually a woman, even if they will never be completely female. No matter the reason someone is living as a woman, whether they were born with female parts or not, they are still a woman if they live as a woman, think like a woman, dress as a woman, and are accepted as a woman.

There is no such thing as a post-op transgender as only transsexals get surgery, and after surgery, a transsexal woman simply calls herself a woman.

People who care about a person's original genitals or who refuses to treat people according to how they are dressed and presenting as, they are unfit to be around children. It is a good thing that the hate speech of referring to transsexual women as men or deliberately calling them male pronouns to insult or degrade them is now illegal in some areas and can result in jail or prison time.

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No, transgender men should not qualify, but transgender women should certainly qualify.Note: A transgender man is Female-to-male. A transgender woman is male-to-female.

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Is a transgender woman a male or female?

Usually it would start with easy basics such as wearing male cloths, cutting her hair short, and acting more like a guy. Then when she really wants to get serious, there are hormones you can inject, binders for covering breasts, or even getting surgery to remove her breasts. But just because one is transgendered does not mean this is a requirement, but it is some options.

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Depending on the gender, they are called one of the following: 1. bisexual transgender woman 2. bisexual transgender man 3. bisexual non-binary person

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Technically yes. If the trans woman was born intersex and has a uterus and ovaries, but was born with a pe nis, and the ovaries and uterus still work, and the pe nis was reconstructed to allow access to the uterus, then yes. In that very rare case, a trans woman can get preg nant. In all other cases, no trans women can not get preg nant

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You call him a suitor or a boyfriend. If things get serious, you would call him a fiancé and then a husband.

Does a man to female transgender smell like a woman?

Generally, no, unless they use perfume or some form of hormone control.

When referring to unmarried woman in Italian you say?

nubile (woman)- celibe (man)